doc. dr. Tamara Besednjak Valič / Asst. Prof. Dr. Tamara Besednjak Valič

Govorilne ure: po dogovoru
Bibliografija: COBISS šifra 30191

Področje raziskave: 
prenos tehnologij, regionalni razvoj, inovacije in inovativnost, fuzzy set

Tamara Besednjak Valič je leta 2014 uspešno zagovarjala doktorsko disertacijo z naslovom »Oblikovanje ekonomsko-socialnega polja turističnega igralništva in njegovi vplivi na ugodno razmerje med koristmi in stroški od iger na srečo v državi«.

Predavala je na Medical University, Faculty of Social Work, Kazan, Rusija; na University of Bologna, Departimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali, Bologna, Italija, na LINK Univeristy Roma, Italija je v letu 2022 opravljala trimesečno raziskovalno gostovanje. Na FIŠ je članica Jean Monnet centra odličnosti.

V letu 2017 je prevzela funkcijo Finančnega vodje projekta InnoHPC – High-performance Computing for Effective Innovation in the Danube Region (projekt, delno financiran s strani Danube transnational programme). V letu 2019 je prevzela funkcijo Vodje projekta KnowING IPR – Fostering innovation the Danube Region through Knowledge Engineering and IPR Management  (projekt, delno financiran s strani Danube transnational programme). Oba projekta sta bila uspešno zaključena, prvi v letu 2019 in drugi v letu 2020.

Trenutno dr. Besednjak Valič vodi konzorcij projekta IPR4SC – Developing Skills in Intellectual Property Rights Open Data for Sustainability and Circularity (projekt, delno financiran s strani Erasmus + Alliances for Innovation) in je vodja ARIS projekta I0-0050 S4P – Spletna podpora pripravi projektnih predlogov.

Zposlena je na Rudolfovo – Znanstveno in tehnološko središče Novo mesto in na Fakulteti za uporabne družbene študije, kjer opravlja delo prodekanje za znanstveno in raziskovalno delo.

Dr. Besednjak Valič na FIŠ ne opravlja pedagoškega dela.


Research Area:

Technology transfer, university-industry collaboration, regional development, innovation and innovativeness, fuzzy set

In 2014, Tamara Besednjak Valič successfully defended her doctoral dissertation titled “Designing the Economic-Social Field of Tourism Gaming and Its Impacts on the Favorable Relationship between Benefits and Costs of Gambling in the Country.”

She lectured at the Medical University, Faculty of Social Work, Kazan, Russia; at the University of Bologna, Department of Political and Social Sciences, Bologna, Italy; and conducted a three-month research visit at LINK University Roma, Italy, in 2022. She is a member of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence at FIŠ.

In 2017, she took on the role of Financial Manager of the InnoHPC project – High-performance Computing for Effective Innovation in the Danube Region (a project partially funded by the Danube transnational programme). In 2019, she assumed the role of Project Manager for KnowING IPR – Fostering innovation in the Danube Region through Knowledge Engineering and IPR Management (a project partially funded by the Danube transnational programme). Both project were successfully implemented, one in 2019 and the other in 2020.

Currently, Dr. Besednjak Valič leads the consortium of the IPR4SC project – Developing Skills in Intellectual Property Rights Open Data for Sustainability and Circularity (a project partially funded by Erasmus + Alliances for Innovation) and is the leader of the ARIS project I0-0050 S4P – Online Support for the Preparation of Project Proposals.

She is employed at Rudolfovo – Scientific and Technological Center Novo mesto and at the School of Advanced Social Studies, where she serves as the Vice Dean for Scientific and Research Work.

Dr. Besednjak Valič does not engage in teaching activities at FIŠ.

1. letnik

Projekti informacijskih tehnologij

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