doc. dr. Andrej Furlan / Asst. Prof. Dr. Andrej Furlan
Govorilne ure: po dogovoru
Doc. dr. Andrej Furlan je diplomiral leta 2001 na odseku za fiziko, Fakultete za naravoslovje in matematiko, Univerze v Zagrebu, Hrvaška. Po študiju in po krajšem času na Institutu Ruđer Bošković v Zagrebu se je preselil na Švedsko, kjer se je na univerzi v Linköpingu ukvarjal z raziskovalnim delom na področju fizike materialov. Tam je tudi doktoriral leta 2009 s specializacijo na področju fizike tankih plasti in površin. V svoji raziskovalni karieri je bil aktiven na področjih razvoja novih površinskih prevlek z uporabo eksperimentalnih metod sinteze v laboratoriju in teoretično z računalniškim modeliranjem. Bil je raziskovalec tudi v Ångström laboratoriju v Uppsali ter na Ruhr-Universität Bochum v Nemčiji in je delal v podjetjih na Švedskem in v Nemčiji, ki jim je z znanstvenim pristopom pomagal pri reševanju praktičnih problemov v proizvodnji.
Poleg svojega primarnega poklica je tudi lingvist in je aktiven tudi kot učitelj za tuje jezike (švedski, italijanski, hrvaški, slovenski) na dveh Volkshöchschule v Nemčiji.
Od leta 2021 je zunanji sodelavec predavatelj na Fakulteti za informacijske študije v Novem mestu.

Asst. Prof. Dr. Andrej Furlan graduated in 2001 from the Department of physics, Faculty of natural sciences and mathematics, University of Zagreb, Croatia. After graduation, and a shorter time at the Ruđer Bošković Institute in Zagreb, he moved to Sweden, where he worked as a researcher in the field of material science, at the University of Linköping. There he defended his doctoral thesis in 2009, with the specialisation in the field of thin film physics and surfaces. In his scientific career he has been active in the field of development of novel coating materials with applications of the experimental methods of synthesis in the laboratory, and theoretically, by computer modelling. He worked as researcher also at the Ångström laboratory in Uppsala, and at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum in Germany, and in companies in Sweden and Germany, where he helped to resolve practical production problems using the scientific approach.
In addition to his primary profession, his is also a linguist, and works as a foreign language teacher (Swedish, Italian, Croatian, Slovenian) at two Volkhöchscule in Germany.
Since 2021 he is external collaborator lecturer at the Faculty of information studies in Novo Mesto.
2. letnik
Operacijski sistemi
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Operacijski sistemi
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