izr. prof. dr. Miha Dvojmoč / Assoc. Prof. Dr. Miha Dvojmoč

Izredni profesor doktor Miha Dvojmoč je doktoriral leta 2013, in sicer na področju pravnih znanosti, interpersonalnih komepetenc zasebnega varnostnega osebja ter pravne ureditve zasebno varnostnega področja v Republiki Sloveniji. Svojo poklicno pot je začel v zasebnovarnostnem podjetju, nadaljeval na Inšpektoratu Mestne občine Ljubljana in se kasneje ponovno vrnil v zasebni sektor, kot direktor in varnostni menedžer poslovne enote večjega varnostnega podjetja, odgovoren pa je bil tudi za izvedbo najzahtevnejših varnostnih projektov. Kot višji svetovalec je deloval tudi na Ministrstvu za notranje zadeve na področju zasebnega varovanja, trenutno pa je izredni profesor na Fakulteti za varnostne vede Univerze v Mariboru, Pravni fakulteti v Novi gorici in Fakulteti za državne in evropske študije.

Izvaja in sodeluje pri študijskem procesu na različnih področjih. Miha Dvojmoč je ob tem tudi idejni vodja Skupine Infocenter in direktor podjetja MD svetovanje, ki že več kot 15 let uspešno združuje tematike prava in varnosti na več področjih in na ta način svoje bogato znanje oplemeniti s pomočjo drugim pravnim in fizičnim osebam.

Njegov slogan je: »Integriteta: Naša osebna in poslovna zaveza k poštenosti in odgovornosti, ki jo gradimo z vsakim svojem dejanjem je temelj zaupanja in uspeha.«


Associate Professor Dr. Miha Dvojmoč received his PhD in 2013 in the field of legal sciences, interpersonal comepetencies of private security personnel and legal regulation of the private security sector in the Republic of Slovenia. He started his career in a private security company, continued his career at the Inspectorate of the Municipality of Ljubljana and later returned to the private sector as a director and security manager of a business unit of a large security company, where he was also responsible for the implementation of the most complex security projects. He has also worked as a senior consultant at the Ministry of the Interior in the field of private security, and is currently an associate professor at the Faculty of Security Sciences of the University of Maribor, the Faculty of Law in Nova Gorica and the Faculty of State and European Studies. Miha Dvojmoč is also the idea leader of the Infocenter Group and the director of MD consulting, which for more than 15 years has been successfully combining the topics of law and security in several areas, and in this way has been able to complement its extensive knowledge by helping other legal and natural persons.

Its slogan is: “Integrity: our personal and business commitment to honesty and accountability, built with every action, is the foundation of trust and success.”

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