FIS Career Centre

We develop our skills throughout our whole lives and studying is just one step on our career path. The FIS Career Centre helps you to progress personally and academically, improve your presentation skills in the employment market, and create your desired career path. You are advised by a faculty career counsellor, who you can contact during office hours or send them an e-mail at
You can access the Career Centre notices here.
Phone: 059 087 908
You can contact us by phone every day between 8 am and 3 pm or you can visit us at the FIS project office (2nd floor).
We are also available on social networks Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram in Twitter.
The FIS Career Centre provides you with information on:
- Study and work practice, which is carried out within the study programmes Informatics in Contemporary Society (professional) and Computer Science and Web Technologies (professional);
- Potential employers in the economy or public administration, and on employment opportunities at FIS;
- Workshops and lectures on employment, which FIS also organizes;
- Materials you can use to find a job;
- Events at FIS, which are intended for students and the general public;
- Tutoring at FIS;
- Opportunities for involvement in voluntary work;
- Research on graduates at FIS.
The Faculty of Information Studies in Novo mesto and its project named FIS Career Centre Upgrade was selected in the public call of the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport for the co-financing of upgrading activities of career centres in higher education facilities in the period between 2015 and 2020, partially funded by the European Union’s European Social Fund and by the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport. The operation is implemented under the 2014-2020 Operational Programme, priority axis: 10. Knowledge, skills and lifelong learning for better employability, investment priorities: 10.1 Improving equal access to lifelong learning for all age groups in formal, non-formal and informal learning, modernization of knowledge, skills and competences of the workforce and promotion of flexible forms of learning, including through vocational counselling and validation of acquired competences; specific objective: 10.1.3 Promoting flexible forms of learning and supporting quality career guidance for school-going youth at all levels of the education system. The Ministry will pay up to a maximum of EUR 19,088.80 to the Faculty of Information Studies in Novo mesto for the implementation of the project, of which 80% is contributed by the EU’s European Social Fund and 20% by the Republic of Slovenia. The project will be implemented from September 1 2016 to October 15 2020. The managing authority is the Office of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia for Development and European Cohesion Policy.
The purpose of the public call is to provide comprehensive and quality career guidance for students throughout the entire study process, from enrolment to employment, and to harmonize the acquired knowledge of students with the needs of the labour market. Simultaneously, it supports the exchange of experiences, results and good practices in the field of career counselling and between career counsellors at a national and international level. Career guidance will be implemented in the upgrade of career counselling at higher education facilities. Consequently, the cooperation of career centres with employers or direct entry of graduates into future work environments will be strengthened. This will also help achieve the goals of the Europe 2020 strategy and the Strategic Framework for European Cooperation in Education and Training, which include greater employability of graduates and a more effective entrance into the field of the labour market, elimination of discrepancies between the study programmes, knowledge and demands, and reduction of dropouts, and completion of studies on time. The aim of the public call is also to integrate career orientation into the planning, implementation and monitoring of higher education activities.
Work practice is a part of student education, where students use the knowledge acquired in lectures in the work environment and learn about the characteristics of the operation and organization of the business environment and teamwork. It takes place in environments where students engage in social science research and learn about the preparation and implementation of research, data collection and analysis, the use of ICT in organizations and society (work in the IT department or workplaces where ICT is an important tool for effective working – procurement, sales, marketing, planning and analytical service, logistics …).
The work practice is performed in the third year, up to 360 hours or 45 working days in a partner organization in a real work environment, and individually with consultations to reflect on the gained experience, which the student then presents in the work practice report. The student work practice can be carried out at the faculty, in economic or non-economic organizations or abroad within the framework of announced student mobility programmes. The holder of the work practice, the administration office and the coordinators and mentors of the work practice participate in the organization and monitoring of the implementation of the practice. Students get acquainted with the work practice at introductory meetings prepared by the faculty.
Tutoring is the systematic provision of assistance to tutees or recipients of tutoring assistance in their studies and their academic development.
The purpose of the tutoring system is:
- Support for tutees during their study;
- Support for the intellectual growth and personal progress of tutees;
- Support for integration into scientific research and professional activity at FIS;
- Helping tutees advance to a higher year;
- Advising tutees on elective courses;
- Organization and provision of assistance in the study of individual courses or professional practice;
- Encouraging tutees to participate in extracurricular activities.
Stakeholders of the tutoring system are:
- Vice-dean, responsible for tutoring,
- Tutoring coordinator,
- A tutor, who is a higher education lecturer, who provides tutoring,
- A tutee, who is a recipient of tutoring assistance, which can be any FIS student.