Information Society

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The study programme educates doctoral students for research work and the creation of new knowledge in areas related to the information society. During their studies, students acquire a demanding research methodology and become acquainted with the latest results and open research questions in selected areas of the information society.

ATTENTION! Possibility of co-financing doctoral studies

Doctoral students are able to:

  • Work in areas related to the information society (information and communication technology (ICT), inter-organizational operations, the use of ICT in political and administrative systems, social phenomena of the use of ICT);
  • Apply a demanding research methodology to open research questions in selected areas of the information society;
  • Prepare individual research work, which they defend and publish their main results in professional journals from the selected research field.

Scientific title: Doctor of Science, with the abbreviation Dr. prefixed to the first name and surname. The scientific field in which the degree is awarded shall be indicated in the doctoral diploma as: information society.

The academic title shall be Doctor of Philosophy, abbreviated Ph.D., (in the field of information society).

The study programme is carried out as a full-time mode of study.

Enrolment into the first year

The following individuals can be enrolled in the first year of the doctoral study programme Information Society:

  • who has completed a second-level (Bologna) degree programme;
  • who has completed a degree programme in a profession governed by EU directives or another single master’s degree programme awarded 300 ECTS credits;
  • who completed a university degree programme prior to 11.6.2004; who completed a specialisation programme and prior to that completed a higher professional degree programme (prior to the Bologna system) and who must have completed a total of at least five years of studies. In this case, before enrolment in the second year of the doctoral study programme, the candidate must complete additional study requirements totalling 30 to 45 credits from the second cycle study programmes at FIŠ, as prescribed by the competent FIŠ authority on the basis of the candidate’s previous study path.

Enrolment into the second year

According to the criteria for transitions, a candidate who has completed the following can enrol in the second year of the doctoral study programme Information Society:

  • A study programme for the acquisition of a master’s degree in science, adopted before 11. 06. 2004, and 60 ECTS are recognized upon enrolment;
  • A study programme for obtaining a university education, adopted before 11. 06. 2004, and a study programme for obtaining a specialization, and 60 ECTS are recognized upon enrolment. They must, however, submit the disposition of their doctoral dissertation by the end of the first semester of the second year.

Enrolment into the third year

In accordance with Article 39 of the Higher Education Act and the Criteria for Transitions between Study Programmes, it is possible to transfer to a third level study programme from study programmes of the same level. Applications for transitions are processed individually in accordance with the rules of the faculty. The obligations that the student has already performed are compared with the required obligations at FIS both in terms of content and scope of in the form ECTS, and can be recognized as obligations performed in the new programme. Additional obligations are prescribed to the student for missing contents. This is decided by the competent authority of FIS.

To advance from the first to the second year, the doctoral student must acquire at least 30 ECTS from the first year, have an approved doctoral dissertation topic and must submit the disposition of the doctoral dissertation, which is proven by the mentor’s signature on the form OBR-FIŠ-034.

The condition for advancing from the second to the third year is the completion of all obligations of the first year in the amount of 60 ECTS, including a confirmed disposition and the completion of individual research work of the second year in the amount of 60 ECTS. Individual research work is proven for each year separately by the mentor’s signature on the OBR-FIŠ-047 Assessment of the Individual Work of the Doctoral Student form. The individual research work for each year corresponds with the appropriate numbers of ECTS and also refers to the preparation of the disposition and dissertation.

The faculty may allow the student to advance to a higher year, even if the required conditions are not met, in the following circumstances: maternity, prolonged illness, exceptional family or social circumstances, participation in top cultural, sports or professional events. In this case, the student must provide appropriate evidence.

A student who does not meet the conditions for enrolling in a higher year may repeat a year once during their studies or change their study programme or course due to non-fulfilment of obligations in the previous study programme or course.

In accordance with the applicable legislation, a student’s student status may be extended for a maximum of one year if the student:

  • Does not enrol in a higher year for justified reasons;
  • Does not graduate within 12 months after the end of the last semester for justified reasons;
  • Gives birth during their studies.

Depending on their academic achievements, the student may complete the study in a shorter period of time (but no less than four semesters) as provided for in the study programme, provided that they fulfil all the prescribed obligations.

The conditions for completing the study are:

  • Successfully completed study obligations prescribed by the programme;
  • Publication or acceptance for publication of one scientific paper for which the candidate has been the first or the last author in a journal indexed in SCCI, SCI, SCOPUS with IF>0, or AHCI, in the research field of the doctoral thesis;

  • Preparation and successful defence of the doctoral dissertation.

Students of the doctoral postgraduate programme Information Society will obtain the following competences:

General competences:

  • The ability to identify, analyze and construct solution for a given research problem.
  • The creation of new knowledge and contribution to the development of science.
  • Mastery of standard methods, approaches and processes of scientific research in various scientific fields.
  • Ability of independent research and development work and management of research group.
  • Mastery of scientific quality and effort towards the quality of professional work through independence, self-criticism, self-reflection and self-evaluation.
  • Respect for scientific ethics.

Subject specific competences:

  • Skills and abilities for solving concrete research problems in various fields of social and other sciences.
  • Development of skills and abilities in usage of knowledge in doctoral research.
  • Ability of innovative combined usage of various research methodologies.
  • The ability to extract, select, evaluate and insert new knowledges and the compentence of interpretation in the context of social and other sciences.
  • Ability of designing and implementing novel scientific solutions for given social problems.
  • Ability of complex systemic perspective on the society and interdisciplinary approach, which demonstrates the understanding of general structure of social sciences and links among their disciplines and sub-disciplines.
  • Ability to present the obtained scientific findings in form of publications in international scientific journals.

In accordance with the Decree on Co-Financing Doctoral Studies (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, no. 22/17) and the amendment to the Higher Education Act, doctoral studies at the Faculty of Information Studies in Novo mesto are co-financed from the 2017/18 academic year onwards.

An important novelty is that candidates do not apply for the co-financing call, as co-financing will be available to all doctoral students who meet the following conditions:

  • Students enrolled in the first year and directly in the second year.
  • Students enrolled in the second year of doctoral studies will be co-financed if they have regularly advanced from the first to the second year of doctoral studies. An extension of the status for justified reasons in accordance with the law governing higher education and the Statute of the Faculty of Information Studies is also considered as regular advancement.
  • Students enrolled in the third year of doctoral studies will be co-financed in the event that they have regularly advanced to all the years of doctoral studies. An extension of the status for justified reasons in accordance with the law governing higher education and the Statute of the Faculty of Information Studies is also considered as regular advancement.
  • In the event that doctoral students have already obtained a level of education corresponding to the level of education obtained in the doctoral study programmes of the third level, they will not be eligible for co-financing. Furthermore, in the event that they have or have already had publicly co-financed study under study programmes for obtaining a
    doctorate, even if they have not completed their studies, they will not be eligible for co-financing.
  • Parallel studies are not co-financed, nor are students enrolled in an additional year (absolventski staž) eligible for co-financing.

The amount of co-financing for an individual student depends on the number of enrolled students and the amount of funds that we receive each year for this purpose.

Co-financing is not excluded by regular employment. The same applies to registration in the register of unemployed persons at the Employment Service of Slovenia.

There is no age limit for co-financing.

Interested candidates should register at


1st year2nd year3rd yearElective courses
Social Science MethodologyPreparation of doctoral dissertation 1Dissertation Seminar Centrality Measures and Network Models
Elective theoretical coursePreparation of doctoral dissertation 2Interorganizational Business
Dissertation Proposal Seminar*New Paradigms of Information Society
Preparation of doctoral dissertation dispositionInformation Systems
Introduction to Research in Social Sciences*Contemporary Theories in Economic Sociology
Intellectual property in information society
Advanced social network analysis
Machine learning in social sciences
Socio-cultural aspects of information society
Modelling and Simulation of Social Systems
Complex Networks in Social Sciences

*The course Dissertation Proposal Seminar will be renamed to Introduction to Research in Social Sciences from the academic year 2025/2026 onwards.

The program lasts 3 years and is divided into 6 semesters. After the publication of relevant scientific articles, the program ends with the preparation of the doctoral thesis. The program is structured in such a way that organized work is based on three types of learning units:

  • Compulsory methodological course, which offers extremely in-depth methodological knowledge, especially in the direction of finding innovative methods and innovative use and combining existing qualitative and quantitative methods.
  • Elective theoretical course chosen by the student based on the thematic orientation of his doctoral dissertation.
  • Compulsory seminars directly related to the preparation of the doctoral dissertation (Dissertation Proposal Seminar and Dissertation Seminar) and individual work for the doctoral dissertation. In the 2nd semester, the doctoral student prepares a disposition, which he develops into a doctoral dissertation in the 2nd and 3rd year with the help of a mentor and a possible co-mentor.

Dissertation Proposal Seminar

Preparation of doctoral dissertation disposition

ECTS: 15

Preparation of doctoral dissertation 1

ECTS: 60 

Dissertation Seminar

LINK TO the course syllabus

ECTS: 15 

Preparation of doctoral dissertation 2

ECTS: 45


Centrality Measures and Network Models

LINK TO the course syllabus

ECTS: 15

Interorganizational Business

LINK TO the course syllabus

ECTS: 15

New Paradigms of Information Society

LINK TO the course syllabus

ECTS: 15

Information Systems

LINK TO the course syllabus

ECTS: 15

Contemporary Theories in Economic Sociology

LINK TO the course syllabus

ECTS: 15

Intellectual property in information society

LINK TO the course syllabus

ECTS: 15

Advanced social network analysis

LINK TO the course syllabus

ECTS: 15

Machine learning in social sciences

LINK TO the course syllabus

ECTS: 15

Socio-cultural aspects of information society

LINK TO the course syllabus

ECTS: 15

Modelling and Simulation of Social Systems

LINK TO the course syllabus

ECTS: 15

Complex Networks in Social Sciences

LINK TO the course sylabus

ECTS: 15

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