Computer Science and Web Technologies

Free full-time study
Optional VIRTUAL real-time attendance at lectures and tutorials

The study programme includes courses on the topics of computer science and web technologies, including application lifecycle management, cryptography, user experience, etc. Students are also introduced to the legal aspects of conducting business on the Internet and creating effective business models.

The graduates will obtain:

  • Expertise in the field of information technologies (computer science and design, programming, programming languages, web applications, business information systems, working with databases);
  • Methodological knowledge of quantitative (statistical) and qualitative research methods;
  • Extensive knowledge in the field of social sciences regarding communication on the Internet, knowledge on legal aspects of conducting business on the Internet, and business models for web and mobile applications.

The study programme is carried out as a full-time and part-time mode of study.

The full-time study is free for employed students as well.*

*For EU citizens and citizens of the countries with signed bilateral agreement with Slovenia.

Enrolment into the first year

The following individuals can be enrolled in the first year of the higher professional study programme Computer Science and Web Technologies:

  • Anyone who has completed the matura examination;
  • Anyone who has completed the vocational matura examination or final exam in any programme for obtaining secondary education.

The faculty may limit the enrolment if the number of applications significantly exceeds the number of available vacancies. In the case of limited enrolment, the candidates are selected according to the following criteria:

  • Overall success at the final exam, vocational matura examination or general matura examination – 60% points,
  • Overall score in the third and fourth year of secondary education – 40% points.

Enrolment into the second year

Enrolment directly into the second year of the higher professional study programme of Computer Science and Web Technologies is possible for graduates who have completed a higher professional programme, adopted after 01. 01. 1994 if they meet the conditions for the enrolment into a higher professional study programme. Before enrolling in the third year, the students must pass additional exams in the range of maximum 30 credit points (ECTS) based on recognized differences between programmes. Additional exams are prescribed by the competent authority of the faculty based on the application for enrolment and relevant documents.

Graduates of higher professional programmes in the field of computer science and informatics are prescribed the following additional exams: Mathematics 2, Operation Systems and Web Programming 1.

Graduates of other higher professional programmes are prescribed the following additional exams: Mathematics 2, Operation Systems, Web Programming 1, Introduction to Algorithms and Introduction to Programming.

Enrolment into the third year

Enrolment directly into the third year of the higher professional study programme of Computer Science and Web Technologies is possible for graduates who have completed a higher professional programme, adopted after 01. 01. 1994, and graduates who have completed a post-secondary professional or university education programmes adopted before 11. 06. 2004, if they meet the conditions for the enrolment into a higher professional study programme. Before registering the topic of their diploma thesis, they must pass additional exams in selected subjects from the first and / or second year, which are prescribed by the competent authority of the faculty based on established differences between the programmes:

  •  If the candidate has completed a post-secondary educational, higher professional or university programme in the fields of computer science and informatics, the competent faculty authority shall prescribe the following additional exams based on application for enrolment: Web Programming 1 and Web Programming 2;
  • If the candidate has completed a post-secondary educational, higher professional or university programme in the fields of social science or business informatics, the competent faculty authority shall prescribe the following additional exams based on the application for enrolment: Web Programming 1, Web Programming 2, Operation Systems and Web and Mobile Application Development Life-Cycle;
  • If the candidate has completed a post-secondary educational, higher professional or university programme in other fields of study, the competent faculty authority shall prescribe the following additional exams based on the application for enrolment: Introduction to Programming, Introduction to Algorithms, Web Programming 1, Operation Systems, Databases and Data Modelling, Web Programming 2 and Web and Mobile Application Development Life-Cycle.

To advance from the first to the second year, the student must acquire at least 45 ECTS from the first year. To advance from the second to the third year, the student must complete all obligations from the first year in addition to acquiring at least 45 ECTS from the second year. If a student enrols in the second year of the Computer Science and Web Technologies programme (professional) after completing a higher professional programme adopted after 01. 01. 1994, they must pass the prescribed differential exams by the time of enrolment in the third year.

The faculty may allow the student to advance to a higher year, even if the required conditions are not met, in the following circumstances: maternity, prolonged illness, exceptional family or social circumstances, participation in top cultural, sports or professional events.

A student who does not meet the conditions for enrolling in a higher year may repeat a year once during their studies or change their study programme or course due to non-fulfilment of obligations in the previous study programme or course. It is not possible to repeat the third year because an additional year (absolventski staž) is intended for fulfilling the missing obligations.

In accordance with the applicable legislation, a student’s student status may be extended for a maximum of one year if the student:

  • Does not enrol in a higher year for justified reasons;
  • Does not graduate within 12 months after the end of the last semester for justified reasons;
  • Gives birth during their studies.

Depending on their academic achievements, the student may complete the study in a shorter period of time that provided for in the study programme.

In order to finish the studies, the student must successfully complete all study obligations prescribed by the study programme in the range of 180 ECTS.

The student who enrols into the second year after graduating from a higher professional programme adopted after 01. 01. 1994, must complete all prescribed differential exams and regular study obligations from the second and third year in the range of minimum 120 ECTS.

The student who enrols into the third year after graduating from a higher professional programme adopted after 01. 01. 1994, must complete all prescribed differential exams and regular study obligations from the third year in the range of minimum 60 ECTS.

The study ends with the preparation and oral defence of the diploma thesis.

Students of higher professional study programme Computer Science and Web Technologies obtain the following competences:.

  • Ability to perform all phases of web and mobile app development: planning, development, launch, sales, maintenance;
  • Ability to understand the requirements of end-users or to identify opportunities for new online services and to convert related content requirements into technical specifications;
  • Ability of application of knowledge in practice;
  • Development of communication skills in and skills for communicating in the business or international environment;
  • Proficiency of research methods, procedures and processes;
  • Skill to establish and maintain relationships for teamwork;
  • Knowledge of online business models;
  • Striving for quality of professional work through autonomy, (self-) criticism, (self-) reflection and (self-) evaluation of the professional work.

Students of higher professional study programme Computer Science and Web Technologies will also obtain course-specific competences, which are listed in the individual curricula of the programme’s curriculum.


1st year2nd year3rd yearElective courses
Introduction to InformaticsOperating SystemsResearch Practice***Methods of Network Analysis
Introduction to Programming***Databases and data modelling****Information Support of Business Processes*******Algorithms in Computer Science
Introduction to AlgorithmsIntroduction to CryptographyWeb and Mobile Information SystemsHigh Performance Computing Systems
Mathematics 1Web Programming 2User Interface DesignIntroduction to Modelling and Simulation of Discrete and Continuous Systems
Electronic Communication and Literacy*****Web and Mobile Application Development Life-Cycle******eEntrepreneurshipOpen Source Software for Business
Web Programming 1Knowledge Discovery from DataWork PracticeApplied Cryptography
Computer Networks*****User ExperienceDiploma Thesis*Geographic Information Systems
Information Systems*****eLaw******Web and Mobile Application Development Life-Cycle******Process Modelling within Organisation using UML
Mathematics 2Elective course 1eLaw******The Influence of Information Technology on eBusiness
Statistics 1Elective course 2Development Practice***Dealing with Information and Knowledge in Organisation
Programming 1**Computer Networks*****Introduction to Artificial Intelligence********Management of Projects
Computer System Architecture**Electronic Communication and Literacy*****Development of Solutions for Small Companies
Programming 2***Information Systems*****Fundamentals of Document Systems
Databases and data modelling****Database Administration
Information Society
Business Ethics
Communication Skills Training
Web Communications and Public Relations
Web and Mobile Solution Development Project
Job Seeking
Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems
3D Modeling and Animation
Fundamentals of industrial automation
Introduction to Cybersecurity
Programming language Python
Introduction to Spatial Geometry
Introduction to virtual reality and augmented reality
Web application development project
Information Support of Business Processes********

The programme Computer Science and Web Technologies lasts three years and is divided into six semesters. It contains 29 courses, of which 26 are compulsory (including Work practice) and three elective.

*In the academic year 2025/2026, the preparation of the Diploma Thesis will be discontinued in the undergraduate study programme in Computer Science and Web Technologies.

**The courses Programming 1 and Computer System Architecture will be offered from the academic year 2025/2026 onwards.

***The courses that will be renamed from the academic year 2025/2026 onwards: Introduction to Programming renames to Programming 2; and Research Practice renames to Development Practicum.

****The course Databases and data modelling will be moved to the first year of study from the academic year 2025/2026.

*****The courses Computer Networks, Electronic Communication and Literacy along with Information Systems will be moved to the second year of study from the academic year 2025/2026.

******The courses Web and Mobile Application Development Life-Cycle and eLaw will be moved to the third year of study from the academic year 2025/2026.

*******The course Information Support of Business Processes will be moved to the elective courses from the academic year 2025/2026.

********The course Introduction to Artificial Intelligence will be offered from the academic year 2025/2026 onwards. 

Introduction to Informatics

LINK TO the course syllabus

LECTURER (full-time study mode): Sr. Instr. Dr. Albert Zorko

LECTURER (part-time study mode): Assoc. Prof. Dr. Simon Vrhovec


Introduction to Algorithms

LINK TO the course syllabus

LECTURERS (full-time study mode): Sr. Instr. Dr. Albert Zorko

LECTURERS (part-time study mode): Assoc. Prof. Dr. Borut Lužar


Electronic Communication and Literacy

Information Systems

Mathematics 2

Statistics 1

Programming 1

Computer System Architecture

Programming 2

Databases and data modelling

Databases and data modelling

Introduction to Cryptography

Web and Mobile Application Development Life-Cycle

Elective course 1


Elective course 2


Computer Networks

Electronic Communication and Literacy

Information Systems

Research Practice

Information Support of Business Processes

Web and Mobile Information Systems

Elective course 3


Work Practice

LINK TO the course syllabus

LECTURERS: Vice-Dean for Education

ECTS: 15

Diploma Thesis

LINK TO the course syllabus


Web and Mobile Application Development Life-Cycle


Development Practicum

Methods of Network Analysis

LINK TO the course syllabus


Algorithms in Computer Science

LINK TO the course syllabus


High Performance Computing Systems

LINK TO the course syllabus


Introduction to Modelling and Simulation of Discrete and Continuous Systems

LINK TO the course syllabus


Open Source Software for Businesss

LINK TO the course syllabus


Applied Cryptography

LINK TO the course syllabus


Geographic Information Systems

LINK TO the course syllabus


Process Modelling within Organisation using UML

LINK TO the course syllabus


The Influence of Information Technology on eBusiness

LINK TO the course syllabus


Dealing with Information and Knowledge in Organisation

LINK TO the course syllabus


Management of Projects

LINK TO the course syllabus


Development of Solutions for Small Companies

LINK TO the course syllabus


Fundamentals of Document Systems

LINK TO the course syllabus


Database Administration

LINK TO the course syllabus


Information Society

LINK TO the course syllabus


Business Ethics

LINK TO the course syllabus


Communication Skills Training

LINK TO the course syllabus


Web Communications and Public Relations

LINK TO the course syllabus


Web and Mobile Solution Development Project

LINK TO the course syllabus


Job Seeking

LINK TO the course syllabus


Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems

3D Modeling and Animation

Fundamentals of industrial automation

LINK TO the course syllabus


Introduction to Cybersecurity

LINK TO the course syllabus


Pogramming language Python

LINK TO the course syllabus


Introduction to Spatial Geometry

LINK TO the course syllabus


Introduction to virtual reality and augmented reality

Web application development projecty

LINK TO the course syllabus


Information Support of Business Processes

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