E-mail: magda.luzar@fis.unm.si
Magda Lužar je zaključila doktorski študij na Fakulteti za organizacijske študije v Novem mestu, kjer je pridobila naziv doktor znanosti menedžmenta kakovosti. Po osnovni izobrazbi je diplomirana ekonomistka. Izkušnje in kompetence si je nabrala pri delu na finančnem področju gospodarstva in negospodarstva. Njeno raziskovalno delo se osredotoča na vidike gospodarjenja, dokumentiranja, shranjevanja in izmenjave znanja med zaposlenimi v organizacijah. Je predavateljica na dodiplomskih študijskih programih. Poučuje področje ekonomike in podjetništva na različnih fakultetah bodočim diplomantom strojništva, organizacije, družboslovne informatike ter računalništva in spletnih tehnologij. Na Fakulteti za informacijske študije je nosilka predmeta ePodjetništvo na programu ISD in RST ter izvajalka vaj predmeta Temelji ekonomije na programu ISD.

Magda Lužar completed her doctoral studies at the Faculty of Organisational Studies in Novo mesto, where she was awarded the degree of Doctor of Science in Quality Management. Her primary education is a degree in economics. She gained her experience and competences working in the financial sector of the economy and non-economy. Her research focuses on aspects of management, documentation, storage and knowledge sharing among employees in organisations. She is a lecturer at undergraduate level. She teaches economics and entrepreneurship at various faculties to prospective graduates in mechanical engineering, organisation, social informatics and computer science and web technologies. At the Faculty of Information Studies, she is a lecturer in eEntrepreneurship in the ISD and RST programmes and a tutor in Foundations of Economics in the ISD programme.