izr. prof. dr. Borut Lužar / Assoc. Prof. Dr. Borut Lužar
E-mail: borut.luzar@fis.unm.si
Govorilne ure: po dogovoru
Bibliografija: COBISS šifra 31670
V letu 2008 je diplomiral na Fakulteti za matematiko in fiziko Univerze v Ljubljani, kjer je leta 2013 tudi dokončal doktorat iz matematike z disertacijo z naslovom “Barvanja in particije povezav”. Je izredni profesor na Fakulteti za informacijske študije v Novem mestu, več let pa je bil dejaven tudi v gospodarstvu. Njegovo raziskovalno delo zajema klasično teorijo grafov, pri čemer ima največji poudarek teorija barvanj grafov, ukvarja pa se tudi s področjem analize kompleksnih omrežij.

In 2008, he graduated from the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of the University of Ljubljana, where in 2013 he also defended his Ph.D. thesis in mathematics with a dissertation entitled “Edge Colorings and Partitions”. He is an associate professor at the Faculty of Information Studies in Novo mesto, and for several years he was also employed as a programmer. His research interests include classical graph theory with an emphasis on chromatic graph theory, and complex networks analysis with emphasis on studies connected with bibliometrics.