Research groups

New knowledge is always available but it can only be acquired through a thoughtful approach. The Faculty of Information Studies has various research groups that carry out basic and applied research for the professional public, economy, state bodies and local self-government bodies, international institutions, non-governmental organizations and other users.
Decision Support Systems Laboratory
Complex systems & Data science LAB (CODLAB)
Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence
Institute for social morphogenesis
Graph Theory Laboratory
Laboratory for HPC, AI and Data Science
Research work in the Decision Support Systems Lab is focused on the development of new solutions and methods in the field of decision support systems (DDS). The focus is on the fields of multi-criteria decision modelling and modelling and simulation using discrete event simulation (DES) methodologies, system dynamics (SD) and agent-based modelling (ABM). Research results will present new and original methods and tools in the field of simulation, modelling and optimization of processes in the fields of logistics, production and services, and will be useful in real-life situations.
Laboratory’s applied work is focused on the development of solutions for modelling and optimization of processes in logistics, production and services. In cooperation with the industry, members of the institute develop methods and tools that are implemented in the form of applied solutions that will improve the competitiveness of the economy and help raise the added value.
The laboratory develops interdisciplinary approaches and methodology in cooperation with leading researchers from different fields and research institutions from Slovenia and the EU. The newly created knowledge is then transferred to pedagogical work in the undergraduate and postgraduate study programmes at FIS within several courses in the fields of informatics, computer science and decision support systems.
Dissemination of work results and research cooperation with other research groups is carried out by members of the laboratory by publishing articles in scientific and professional journals, as well as organizing domestic scientific events and attending other scientific events.
The head of the laboratory is assoc. prof. dr. Blaž Rodič.
The mission of the Complex Systems and Data Science Lab (CODLAB) is to achieve scientific excellence in basic and applied research in the wider field of natural and social complex systems and data sciences or data technologies. CODLAB researches and applies technologies for data collection, management and analysis, where approaches related to the theory of complex networks play a crucial methodological (and to some extent substantive) role. The main topics include inverse problems in network theory (detection of a hidden network from available data), modelling of network dynamics, and modelling of complex phenomena in nature, society and technologies. Newer topics also include computational modelling of modern web phenomena such as crowdsourcing. In the future, we plan to also include experimental research in the study of social phenomena, in cooperation with groups that have such opportunities.
CODLAB ensures interdisciplinary collaboration with domestic and foreign research centres, including social sciences groups, natural sciences groups and technical science groups and centres. In addition to the research work itself, CODLAB is also active in finding research resources at the domestic and international level. Currently, several domestic and international projects are underway. It is also very active in organizing and conducting the annual ITIS international conference.
The head of the laboratory is assoc. prof. dr. Zoran Levnajić.
The Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence “Innovation and Technology in Regional Development” carries out experimental and expert projects and tasks for the needs of the economy, state bodies, local government, international institutions, non-governmental organizations and other users, as well as for professional and lay public. Within its research programme, the institute upgrades and connects management and informatics and intertwines them with other disciplinary fields.
Groups of domestic and foreign researchers of various disciplinary profiles are involved in scientific research work, representing diverse theoretical bases and combining different qualitative and quantitative methodological approaches.
The head of the centre is prof. dr. Borut Rončević.
The most emphasized areas of scientific research and analytical work:
- Researching the interactions between information and communication technology (ICT) and organizational aspects of organizations and modern society; finding models to describe the future relationship between these two;
- Researching the needs of the economy and non-economy in the field of ICT and development of models and applications of ICT that will be a direct response to the identified needy;
- Researching the interrelationship between ICT and the development of an individual organization;
- Researching the side effects of the use of ICT and the development of methods for mitigating them;
- Theoretical and empirical study of the issue of organizational aspects, especially in the light of ICT. The issue will be studied within the framework of international organizations, public and private organizations and other forms of contacts and meetings of representatives of different organizational approaches;
- Theoretical and empirical study of the impact of informatics on key organizational groups and agents and their influence on the development of informatics;
- Inclusion of other research topics in the field of ICT, which will be worked on by the researchers involved, and which will prove to be the most relevant in the comping years, especially in terms of applicability.
The activities of The Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence “Innovation and Technology in Regional Development” thus include:
- Conducting research and communicating the identified results to clients;
- Organizing discussions, round tables, specialized workshops with the participation of partner institutions, clients, domestic and foreign researchers or experts;
- Publishing activity (including the creation of a web portal) to acquaint clients, domestic and international professional and lay public with the achievements of research and expert work.
The institute addresses the topics of social transformations affecting all pores of social life. It places particular attention on interaction between digital technologies and human behaviour. It explores social change on a macro systemic level and on a level of individuals, where specific attention is placed on reflexivity, which is seen as a mediator between structure and human agency.
The research thus includes 1) the paths towards responsible and sustainable society and related human practices, 2) the role of media, 3) e-democracy, and e-participation. Key aspects of the research are features of media communication, media pluralism and literacy, political role of social networks, the use of ICT for strengtening political participation, abd the use of aplications for supporting election systems.
The institute welcomes combinations of sociological perspectives with anthropology, psychology, economics, political science and other disciplines. It places social actions and structures in the contexts of natural environment and technological development. The institute draws from a variety of theoretical approaches, such as critical realism, social systems theory, theory of planned behaviour, cultural political economy. It employs qualitative, quantitative and mixed research methods, drawing from extensive data collected through previous research.
Head of the Institute is Prof. Ph.D. Tea Golob
The Graph Theory Laboratory is focused on and contributes to the development of modern graph theory, which is now becoming a leading modern mathematical discipline in terms of its diversity and applicability. We deal with various classical topics such as graph colourings, dominations, graph limits… We also deal with quantitative measures on graph structures, and through them we promote the application of graph theory to other areas such as social or complex networks, interconnection networks, mathematical chemistry, knowledge graphs, graph data structures, mathematics, and the arts, etc.
We work or have worked with more than 100 collaborators from more than 50 research centres and universities. We are currently active on the following themes in the projects we are leading:
1) Local Irregularity and Odd Graph Colorings (J1-1692)
2) Snarks and bold colourings of cubic graphs (J1-3002)
3) Metric dimension, topological indices, and domination (P1-0383)
4) Dimensions of graph irregularities (Bilaterals with Montenegro BI-ME/23-24-008)
The head of the laboratory is prof. dr. Riste Škrekovski
The Laboratory for HPC, AI and Data Science aims to exploit and improve advances in data science, high-performance computing, and artificial intelligence to tackle key societal challenges. We aim to develop, promote, and represent outstanding research, education, and practice in data science to enable informed decision-making for the betterment of society.
Our goals are:
- to teach how to design, collect, interpret, and use data,
- to create a supportive environment for people in both academia and industry to creatively use big data and the analysis enabled by high-performance computing to answer research questions,
- to carry out theoretical research and develop practical applications in the field of data science.
We strive to make an impact by combining cutting-edge research in machine learning, artificial intelligence, and statistics with a deep understanding of applications and data analytics.
The head of the laboratory is Prof. Ph.D. Biljana Mileva Boshkoska