Frequently asked questions
Is FIS a public or private faculty?
FIS is a public institution. It was established on the basis of the Decree on the Establishment of an Independent Higher Education Institution of the Faculty of Information Studies in Novo mesto (OdUVZFIŠNM, Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, no. 67/2008), approved by the National Assembly on June 24 2008.
Is the faculty independent or is it part of one of the universities?
FIS is an independent public higher education institution and is not affiliated with any of the existing universities.
Where is the faculty located?
The Faculty of Information Studies in Novo mesto is located at Ljubljanska cesta 31a, 8000 Novo mesto.
Can employed candidates also enrol in full-time study?
Yes, employed individuals can also enrol in full-time studies (if the candidate has not yet taken advantage of the statutory study options – if the candidate has not yet repeated the year at this level of study or changed the study program at this level of study). There is no tuition fee.
Is it possible to pay part-time tuition fees in several instalments?
Yes, the annual tuition fee for part-time students can be paid in 4 instalments. You can see the price list here.
Where do the lectures take place?
We conduct the study process in a hybrid way.
Lectures and tutorials on the 1st degree study programs are conducted in hybrid form – live at the faculty and at the same time online via Zoom. In the 2nd level study programs, lectures are conducted exclusively online via Zoom and tutorials are conducted in hybrid form. In the doctoral study lectures and seminars are held online via Zoom.
Live lectures and tutorials take place at the Faculty of Information Studies in Novo mesto, at Ljubljanska cesta 31a, 8000 Novo mesto.
How are the exams and colloquiums conducted?
All exams and colloquiums are conducted live at the faculty.
What professional or scientific title do the students obtain after graduation?
Graduates of the bachelor’s degree of the Computer Science and Web Technologies programme obtain the professional title diplomirani inženir or diplomirana inženirka računalništva in spletnih tehnologij (VS) / Computer and Information Technology Engineer (first-cycle professional education). Graduates of the Informatics in Contemporary Society programme obtain the title družboslovni informatik or informatičarka (VS) / Bachelor of Social Informatics (first-cycle professional education) or družboslovni informatik oz. informatičarka (UN) / Bachelor of Social Informatics (first-cycle academic education).
Graduates of the master’s degree of the Informatics in Contemporary Society programme obtain the professional title magister / magistrica družboslovne informatike / Master of Social Informatics. Graduates of the Computer Science and Web Technologies master’s study programme obtain the professional title magister / magistrica inženir/ka računalništva in spletnih tehnologij / Master Engineer of Computer and Information Technology. Graduates of the Data Science master’s study programme obtain the professional title magister / magistrica podatkovnih znanosti / Master of Data Science. Graduates of the Cyber Security master’s study programme obtain the professional title magister / magistrica kibernetske varnosti / Master of Cyber Security. Graduates of the Business Informatics master’s study programme obtain the professional title magister / magistrica poslovne informatike / Master of Business Informatics.
Graduates of the doctoral degree acquire the scientific title doktor oziroma doktorica znanosti / doctor of science.
Can a graduate of a higher vocational college enrol in the third year of the Informatics in Contemporary Society (professional) programme or in the third year of the Computer Science and Web Technologies programme?
A graduate of a higher vocational college can enrol in the second year of the Informatics in Contemporary Society programme or in the second year of the Computer Science and Web Technologies programme. In order to enrol in the third year, they must also pass differential exams in the total amount of a maximum of 30 ECTS, prescribed by the competent authority of faculty on the basis established differences between the two programmes.
Am I able to enrol during the academic year?
No, enrolment is not possible during the academic year. In accordance with the legally regulated schedule, enrolment periods take place between the end of July and the first week of October. For more detailed information on application and enrolment, please click here.
Can FIS students also participate in international exchanges?
Of course, at FIS it is possible to participate in a student exchange through the Erasmus+ programme. Additionally, work placements can also be completed abroad. More information on international exchanges can be found here.