Catalogue of documents



Rules on doctoral studies

Rules on doctoral studies (applies to students enrolled in the Information Society doctoral programme)

Technical instructions for writing proffesional and scientific works (For students who have submitted their thesis topic by 30 September 2024.)

Technical instructions for writing proffesional and scientific works – effective from 24.9.2024

Criteria for transferring between study programmes 

Instructions for conducting part-time study

Rules on the allocation of funds for study activities

Alumni club rules

Demonstration Policy

Rules on bachelor’s and master’s thesis

Regulations on disciplinary responsibility of the students

Regulations on issuing diplomas and certificates of education

Rules on the implementation of student internship

Rules on the conduct of the student survey at the faculty of information studies in Novo mesto

Rules on international mobility

Rules of procedure on the test of artistic aptitude in case of enrolment limitation

Rules on verification and assesment of students’ knowledge

Regulations on procedures and criteria for formal and informal recognition of obtained knowledge and skills

Rules on the vice dean student

Rules on the student identity card

Rules on tutoring

Regulations on the election of student representatives to the student council, academic assembly, commissions and bodies of the FIŠ

Regulations for students with a special status


Akcijski načrt enakosti spolov

Etični kodeks FIŠ

Načrt integritete FIŠ

Poslovnik kakovosti

Poslovnik Senata FIŠ

Poslovnik UO FIŠ

Pravila za izvedbo volilnih postopkov za volitve elektorjev in za določitev kandidatov za predstavnika univerze, visokih in višjih šol v državnem svetu

Pravilnik o častnih nazivih

Pravilnik o volitvah dekana in poslovnik volilne komisije FIŠ


Akt o organiziranosti in sistemizaciji delovnih mest

Criteria for the appointment to the titles of higher education teachers, researchers and associates  (Points System)

Obvezna razlaga Meril za izvolitve v nazive

Merila za vrednotenje dela visokošolskih učiteljev, raziskovalcev in sodelavcev FIŠ

Pravila za sodelovanje vabljenih predavateljev

Pravilnik o delovnem času in o opravljanju dela na domu

Pravilnik o disciplinski odgovornosti delavcev

Pravilnik o izvajanju konkurenčne prepovedi na FIŠ

Pravilnik o napredovanju na FIŠ

Pravilnik o postopku oddaje javnih naročil male vrednosti in oddaje javnih naročil po evidenčnem postopku

Pravilnik o prispevkih in vrednotenju stroškov na FIŠ

Pravilnik o priznanjih FIŠ

Pravilnik o priznavanju pomembnih umetniških del

Pravilnik o računovodstvu

Regulations on the research activities

Pravilnik o splošnih pogojih knjižnice

Regulations on the stable funding of scientific research

Pravilnik o upravljanju z izumi iz delovnega razmerja 

Pravilnik o varovanju osebnih in zaupnih podatkov

Sprememba meril za vrednotenje dela visokošolskih učiteljev in sodelavcev FIŠ

EU regulations

  • Decision No 2/00 of the EU-Slovenia Association Council on the adoption of the conditions for the participation of the Republic of Slovenia in Community programmes in the fields of training and education.

  • Decision No UE-SI 959/99 of the Association Council of 29 April 1999 adopting the terms and conditions for the participation of Slovenia in Community programmes in the fields of training, youth and education.

  • Decision No 3/2001 of the EU-Slovenia Association Council establishing Slovenia’s financial contribution for participation in the Socrates II and Youth programmes for the years 2001 to 2006.

  • Memorandum of Understanding between the European Communities and the Republic of Slovenia on the association of Slovenia with the sixth framework programme of the European Community for research, technological development and demonstration activities contributing to the creation.

Slovenian regulations

  • National higher education programme of the Republic of Slovenia
  • Law on Institutions
  • Law on Higher Education
  • Regulation on public financing of higher education and other institutions, members of universities, from 2004 to 2008
  • Law on Accounting
  • Law on General Administrative Procedure
  • Law on professional and scientific titles
  • Law on Labour Relations
  • Law on Civil Servants – Part I
  • Public Sector Salary System Act
  • Regulation on the remuneration of directors in the public sector
  • Act on the Protection of Personal Data
  • Law on Librarianship
  • Act on Recognition and Valuation of Education
  • Collective agreement for the education sector
  • Collective agreement for research activities

Decree establishing FIŠ

Decree amending the Decree on the establishment of the independent higher education institution of the Faculty of Information Studies in Novo mesto (OdUVZFIŠNM-D)

Annual work programme for the year 2024

Letni program dela

Finančni načrt

Kadrovski načrt

Načrt ravnanja s stvarnim premoženjem

Annual work programme for the year 2023

Letni program dela

Finančni načrt

Kadrovski načrt

Načrt ravnanja s stvarnim premoženjem

Annual work programme for the year 2022

Letni program dela

Finančni načrt

Kadrovski načrt

Načrt ravnanja s stvarnim premoženjem

Annual work programme for the year 2021

Letni program dela

Finančni načrt

Kadrovski načrt

Načrt ravnanja s stvarnim premoženjem

Annual work programme for the year 2020

Letni program dela 

Finančni načrt

Kadrovski načrt

Načrt ravnanja s stvarnim premoženjem

Annual work programme for the year 2019

Letni program dela  – Sprememba izhodišč

Finančni načrt  – Sprememba izhodišč

Kadrovski načrt

Načrt ravnanja s stvarnim premoženjem

Annual work programme for the year 2018

Letni program dela – Sprememba izhodišč 

Finančni načrt – Sprememba izhodišč 

Kadrovski načrt

Realizacija kadrovskega načrta

Načrt ravnanja s stvarnim premoženjem

Annual work programme for the year 2017

Letni program dela

Finančni načrt

Kadrovski načrt

Načrt ravnanja s stvarnim premoženjem

Annual work programme for the year 2016

Letni program dela 

Finančni načrt – rebalans finančnega načrta in pojasnila k rebalansu z dne 1. 8. 2016

Kadrovski načrt – Spremembe kadrovskega načrta z dne 1. 8. 2016

Načrt ravnanja s stvarnim premoženjem

Seznam zaposlenih po virih financiranja

Annual work programme for the year 2015

Letni program dela

Finančni načrt 

Kadrovski načrt

Načrt ravnanja s stvarnim premoženjem

Annual work programme for the year 2014

Letni program dela

Annual work programme for the year 2013

Letni program dela – rebalans

Letni program dela

Annual work programme for the year 2012

Letni program dela

Annual work programme for the year 2011

Letni program dela

Finančni načrt

Kadrovski načrt

Mednarodna mobilnost

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