doc. dr. Klavdija Zorec / Asst. Prof. Ph.D. Klavdija Zorec
Klavdija Zorec je aktivna članica priznanih mednarodnih organizacij in zavezništev v izobraževanju. Svoje akademsko delo objavlja v recenziranih znanstvenih revijah in drugih znanstveno-strokovnih publikacijah ter ga redno predstavlja na prestižnih mednarodnih konferencah in delavnicah. Za podporo svojemu raziskovanju in viziji za izobraževanje in učenje v 21. stoletju je uspešno pridobila nepovratna sredstva za vodenje in izvajanje mednarodnih projektov in partnerstev.
Klavdija Zorec is an assistant professor in social science methodology at the Faculty of Information Studies in Novo Mesto. Her work encompasses academic development, assessment and quality assurance, research project management, and teaching courses on research methods and thesis practicum. Her research examines social, cultural and technological influences on learning and human development, particularly for individuals from marginalized and underrepresented groups, and the role of institutions and culturally relevant pedagogies in promoting inclusion and equity in education and society as a whole.
Klavdija Zorec obtained her master’s and doctoral degrees in Educational Psychology from the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa in the United States. She has over 15 years of international experience in developing, coordinating, implementing, researching, and evaluating learning processes, curricula, educational programs, and academic and career outcomes in both STEM and non-STEM disciplines. She has gained academic experience as a lecturer, assessment coordinator, and data management lead at the College of Education at the University of Hawai’i; as a postdoctoral researcher at Dublin City University in Ireland; and as an academic developer at Alma Mater Europaea.
Klavdija Zorec is an active member of prominent international professional organizations and alliances in education. She publishes her scholarship in peer-reviewed scientific journals and other outlets and regularly presented at various international conferences and workshops. To support her research and vision for education and learning in the 21st century, she has successfully secured grant funding to lead and execute international projects and partnerships.