• Do you have knowledge, experience or interest in digital technology and sustainable development?
  • Do you want to be part of a team of innovators, who will design creative solutions to rural challenges?
  • Do you want to gain practical experience, new skills and work references?

The Faculty of Information Studies in Novo mesto is seeking applications for participation in two project groups composed of students and mentors from educational, industry and non-profit spheres, as part of the call for proposals for »Problem-based learning of students in the workplace: economy, non-economy and non-profit sector in the local/regional environment 2024-2027«/»Problemsko učenje študentov v delovno okolje: gospodarstvo, negospodarstvo in neprofitni sektor v lokalnem/regionalnem okolju 2024-2027« (PUŠ v delovno okolje 2024-2027).

We are seeking applications for two projects:

1. Digital Tool for Data Management for Sustainable Optimization in Companies (Digi-POP)

This project will design and implement a modern digital solution, specifically a draft of a digital data management platform, to enable selected rural businesses in the Kočevje municipality to be more productive, competitive, and optimize their processes. The project addresses challenges for the economy in rural and country’s border areas, where businesses often face limited access to advanced technologies, poor infrastructure, limited economic opportunities and lower visibility and connectivity. The digitalization of businesses in these areas can make an important contribution to the revitalisation of rural areas and communities.

2. Lifelong Learning for Digital and Green Rural Areas (Vse-UP)
This project will design and implement an education-based strategy to better promote and support lifelong learning among working adults in the municipality of Ormož and to increase their participation in educational activities that aim to develop digital and green competencies. The project addresses the challenges of educational access and low participation of adults (especially working population) in rural areas in lifelong learning programs for sustainable development. The project helps realize a vision to support the prosperity, sustainable resilience, social fabric, and digitalization of rural border areas.

Estimated start: January 2025
Duration: Approximately 5 months
Hourly rate: Approximately €11 (gross)
Hours foreseen: Approximately 6-10 hours per week

During the entire duration of the project, a student will not be eligible for a project payment if he/she:

  • is employed
  • is registered as a jobseeker at the Employment Service of the Republic of Slovenia
  • is registered in the register of unemployed persons at the Employment Service of the Republic of Slovenia

Key benefits:

  • Paid project work
  • Acquisition of new skills and key competences for employment and life in the 21st century
  • Professional mentoring and extensive practical experience
  • Potential job and networking opportunities 
  • Cooperation and networking with students from other institutions
  • New references and work experience for your CV
  • Opportunity to apply the theoretical knowledge gained in your studies
  • Opportunity to apply and build on practical knowledge from the project in your studies

How to apply:

We are accepting applications until 11 August 2024 at klavdija.zorec@fis.unm.si.

Please write »Prijava za PUŠ v delovno okolje« in the subject line of the message.

The application should include the title of the project you wish to work on and a short motivation letter (up to 1 page) with the following elements:

  • The title of the study programme, the Bologna level of study and the name of your higher education institution
  • Personal introduction
  • Knowledge, experience and/or interests in the fields related to the project
  • Why would you like to participate (e.g., what knowledge or experience do you want or expect to gain and how this would benefit you).

Applications will be considered in the order in which they are received.

Students of all fields of study and Bologna degrees are welcome to apply!

International students are especially welcome to apply as well!

More information:

For questions, dilemmas and any further information, please contact the Project Operation Lead, Dr. Klavdija Zorec, at klavdija.zorec@fis.unm.si.

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