Exchange of Staff / Employee Exchanges
The Call for Employee Exchange for the Purpose of Training (STT) for the academic year 2024/2025 has been published. You can find the application form here. The application deadline is 31 October 2024.
In the event that fewer applications are received than the number of advertised spots, FIS will accept additional applications until all spots are filled or the funds are used up. You are invited to read about the experiences of a FIS expert associate who participates in the exchange of employees for the purpose of training.
International exchanges are intended for all faculty staff to attend training in a company or organization, such as a higher education institution, in a different participating country. The training can take the form of a temporary transfer of staff to a different position, job shadowing, a study visit, workshops, a conference … This type of exchange lasts from 2 business days to 2 months.
International exchanges of staff enable employees to gain experience of good practices abroad, new knowledge and practical skills that are important for their current work position and their professional development. They also improve cooperation with other higher education organizations.
List of locations that organize Staff Mobility Weeks.
All ERASMUS+ programme documents can be found at