Young Researcher – Mateja Lesar
- March 19, 2021
- ms3si
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Duration: 01. 03. 2018 – 28. 02. 2022, extended until July 2024
Co-funded by: ARIS
Project coordinator: Laboratory for Complex Systems and Data Science
Project type: Development and research project
Role of FIŠ: Applicant
Brain connectivity and dynamics of functional networks
The brain processes information through different specialised areas that work closely with each other to create the whole of human functioning and experience. This means that parts of the brain can be studied as networks of connected brain regions that process and respond to information from the environment. The MR project involves investigating how the dynamics of functional brain networks change, which is linked to cognitive and emotional brain mechanisms. It involves the acquisition of experimental data using electroencephalogram (EEG) and the analysis of brain connectivity results using graph theory methods.
The young researcher Mateja Lesar is a teaching assistant in Electronic Communication and Literacy, Online Media and Virtual Communities.
Mentor: Prof. Riste Škrekovski, Ph.D.