Odprta znanost v Evropskem raziskovalnem prostoru

On Friday, June 23, 2023, the SPOZNAJ project, of which we are also a part, consortium will host a presentation titled Open Science in the European Research Area. The lecture will be delivered by mag. Miro Pušnik, the director of the Central Technical Library at the University of Ljubljana. The presentation will be conducted online via the Zoom platform from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. To join the presentation, please use the following Zoom link:

During the presentation, the core principles of open science policies within the European Research Area will be discussed. Including:

  • Guidelines from European Union funders regarding open science
  • Mandates for open access to scientific publications
  • Adoption of FAIR principles for sharing research
  • Fundamental principles for managing research data
  • Open science infrastructure and the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC)
  • Community engagement in scientific research processes and citizen science initiatives
  • Capacity building efforts to support open science practices
  • Reforms in the evaluation of scientific research work
  • Evolving copyright considerations in the context of open science

Furthermore, an in-depth overview of the requirements for implementing open science practices within the Horizon Europe program will be provide.

Odprta znanost v Evropskem raziskovalnem prostoru
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