Project duration: 01. 05. 2022 – 31. 08. 2024

Granting Authority: European Commission, European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme

Grant agreement No: GA- 101004462

Project area: ATTRACT phase 2, Developing breakthrough technologies for science and society, Socioeconomic Studies

Project title: ATTRACT, Enable State Administration to be an Active Contributors in process of risk absorption and risk reduction Through IPR and state aid

Project acronym: ExSACT

Call for proposals: ATTRACT Phase 2 Socioeconomic Studies

Topic: Socioeconomic Studies

Project type: Scientific research project

Lead partner: European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)


Coordinator: Jožef Stefan Institute

Project lead at Jožef Stefan Institute: Špela Stres, Ph.D.

Project partner: Faculty of Information Studies in Novo mesto

Project lead at Faculty of Information Studies: Asst. Prof. Urška Fric, Ph.D.

Project description:

ExSACT project activities correspond to general goals of the umbrella project ATTRACT – Phase 2 which focuses on creating a systematic platform for restructuring disruptive technologies designed for basal research into disruptive technologies with high usability rate for the economy and with added value for society in general. ExSACT project will comprise of a socioeconomic study to define and prepare the criteria for active participation of government administration in diminishing risks in cooperation between academic institutions and the enterprise sector with regards to intellectual property rights and state aids as well as simplification and optimisation of government-funded investments in research and technological infrastructure.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101004462

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