TIA2030 – Technology and Innovations for Agenda 2030 – EU Global Leadership
- July 19, 2023
- Katja Peterlin
- 0

Duration: 01. 11. 2023 – 31. 10. 2026
Granting Authority: European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), European Commission
Project Number: 101127584
Project Title: Technology and Innovations for Agenda 2030 – EU Global Leadership
Project Acronym: TIA2030
Type of Action: ERASMUS Lump Sum Grants
Type of Project: Pedagogical Project (Higher Education)
Module Holder: Prof. Dr. Borut Rončević
Project Summary:
The Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence on Technology and Innovation for the 2030 Agenda – EU Global Leadership (TIA2030) will be the focal point for expertise and knowledge on the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development by the European Union. The European Union has adopted the 2030 Agenda as its next grand strategy, replacing the Lisbon Strategy and the Europe 2020 Strategy.
TIA2030 is designed to complement and build on the activities of the current Jean Monnet Chair, Cultural Political Economy of Europe 2030 (2020-2023), which focuses on overcoming the implementation deficit of the EU’s grand strategies and the role of technological innovation in achieving the 2030 Agenda’s sustainable development goals.
TIA2030 will involve different target groups such as academics, students, professionals, politicians and civil servants, businesses, civil society and the general public. It will establish the infrastructure, methodologies, protocols and tools to systematically collect, assess and make publicly available existing documentary sources and new primary empirical data. This will be the basis for a multi-faceted policy debate with relevant audiences (special sessions at conferences, joint trips and round tables) and the basis for the development of content and tools on EU topics that complement and build on existing courses and curricula (course modules, summer schools, workshops).
Link to >>project website.