On Tuesday, 28 May 2024, our faculty hosted students from the Gimnazija in srednja šola Kočevje (Gymnasium and Secondary School in Kočevje). The visit started with a short presentation of our faculty, where the students got an insight into our study programmes, research work and the many projects and activities we are involved in. This was followed by a presentation of the supercomputer, during which the students were shown the performance and usability of this advanced computer system, which enables our students and researchers to carry out the most complex computational simulations and analyses. The students also had the opportunity to see the faculty’s supercomputer, which is part of the most powerful supercomputing network in Slovenia, for themselves, and then tried out the VR goggles. Virtual and augmented reality is one of the topics we cover in our curriculum, so we gave students the opportunity to try out this tool, which is growing in popularity.
You can see some of the highlights from the event in the photo gallery: