On Thursday, 6 June 2024, our faculty once again hosted students from the Gimnazija in srednja šola Kočevje (Gymnasium and Secondary School in Kočevje). To begin with, we gave the students, this time they were from the 2nd year of Computer Science, a brief presentation of the study programmes, research work and the many projects and activities that FIŠ is carrying out at the faculty. We then introduced them to the facultys’ supercomputer and familiarised them with the performance and usefulness of this advanced computing system, both at FIŠ and more broadly in science and everyday life.
In the second, interactive part of our meeting, the students were given a tour of the supercomputer, and they also tried out the use of virtual reality goggles and the control of small robots. This was an attempt to show them how theoretical knowledge and understanding of new technologies can be applied in practice.
You can see some of the highlights from the event in the photo gallery: