Last week, between Tuesday and Thursday, 21st and 23rd of February 2023, a team of researchers and technical staff from the Faculty of Information Studies (FIŠ) participated in a professional training course, with the aim of increasing the Faculty’s ability to obtain more European funding for the future individual projects.

In addition to its outstanding research achievements, FIŠ has been active for many years in submitting individual research projects to national and international calls for proposals. FIŠ currently has 21 projects underway, and with additional training we aim to strengthen our performance in international European funding applications. As in previous years, in 2022 we have significantly exceeded our plan for the annual level of international R&D projects by 39.6%. In 2023, we will therefore strive to improve our results and develop new project ideas in collaboration with partners from business, academia, development agencies and civil society.

The training took place in Karlsruhe, Germany, with highly qualified trainers from Steinbeis Europa Zentrum. Our researchers and technical staff were trained by Miljana Cosic, Daniela Chiran and Luliana Nicherscu.

See photo highlights in the gallery:

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