Obdobje poteka: 01. 10. 2017—30. 09. 2021

Sofinancer: ARRS

Sodeluje: Laboratorij za kompleksne sisteme in podatkovne znanosti

Mladi raziskovalec v letu 2017 – Cristian Gangaliuc

Obdobje poteka: 01. 10. 2017—30. 09. 2021

Sofinancer: ARRS

Sodeluje: Laboratorij za kompleksne sisteme in podatkovne znanosti

Naziv projekta: Mladi raziskovalec v letu 2017 – Cristian Gangaliuc (Young researcher in year 2017 – Cristian Gangaliuc)

Vrsta projekta: Razvojno-raziskovalni projekt

Vloga FIŠ: Prijavitelj


The PhD fellowship (MR programme) includes two main parts. Firstly, it is the PhD thesis that focuses on the importance of networking and international cooperation of enterprises. The research emphasizes that businesses, integrated with the Transnational Value Chains, have multiple innovative stimuli and cope with competitiveness due to multiple pressures that motivate them to innovate. Secondly, as a Young Researcher, asist. Cristian Gangaliuc is engaged in different academic activities, including the delivery of Seminars, implementation of various international European projects, research obligations and many other responsibilities associated with an Assistant title at FIŠ.

Mentor: izr. prof. dr. Zoran Levnajić

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