On Monday, 24 April 2023, Pero Labus successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled “The impact of ICT technology on the development of the wine offer in the HoReCa Channel”.

The defence committee consisted of Assist. Dr. Matjaž Škabar and Assist. Dr. Jože Kocjančič.

The doctoral thesis was prepared under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Dejan Jelovac.

Summary of the doctoral thesis:

Digital smart technologies are a key strategic tool that provides competitive advantage in the modern economy. The dominant theoretical framework for analysing the way people accept digital smart technologies, especially in the hospitality sector, is the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), as well as its newer versions that include new constructs in the Unified Theory of Technology Acceptance and Use (UTAUT) and UTAUT2. The present doctoral dissertation used a modified version of TAM, with the aim of examining how guests of hotel restaurants react to a “digital wine list”. Perceived ease of use (PEOU), perceived usefulness (PU) and perceived enjoyment (PE) contributed significantly to the difference in guests’ behavioural intentions (BI) to: a) visit the restaurant again and/or recommend it to others and b) rate it with aspects of service quality (QUAL), as derived from the results of an empirical study carried out on a sample of 406 respondents, analysed by partial structural equation modeling of least squares (PLS-SEM), which was used to evaluate the previously set author’s conceptual model. The results of the empirical study showed the following key findings: 1) several key conceptual constructs (PEOU, PU and PE) of digital wine list technology adoption had significant direct effects on the main outcome of interest of the conducted study, namely guests’ intentions to return to the restaurant (BI ) and positive word of mouth (WOM) about it, because these effects explained a significant amount of variance, but perceived quality (QUAL), surprisingly, had no direct effect on guests’ behavioural intentions (BI); 2) the effects of the perceived risk for privacy and data security on BI and QUAL turned out to be negligible. The obtained results are, on the one hand, in accordance with the previous few empirical findings regarding the adoption of new technology, incorporated into the digital wine list and at the same time deepening it with the help of their own achievement, on the other. Finally, the theoretical and practical implications of the empirical research contributions and its limitations are discussed. In conclusion, the present doctoral dissertation also offers recommendations for further studies in the scientific field of technology adoption, highlighting several potential avenues for future studies.


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