The European Digital Innovation Hub SRC-EDIH, coordinated by the Development Centre Novo mesto, offers support to companies and entrepreneurs in their digital transformation. The hub, which is one of two European digitalisation centres in Slovenia, was launched about a year ago. At a press conference in Novo mesto on Tuesday, it was stressed that its key task is to strengthen digital transformation at all levels.

SRC-EDIH acts as a point of knowledge, guidance and support to accelerate the use of key digital technologies such as supercomputing, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity and robotics, and a focal point for the development of digitally-enabled innovative business models.

According to the Director of the Novo mesto Development Centre, Franci Bratkovič, SRC-EDIH accelerates the digital transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises and the public sector. Among its objectives are to increase the competitiveness and resilience of the economy and society, taking into account sustainable economic, environmental and social development.

The Mayor of Novo mesto, Gregor Macedoni, pointed out that three test environments can already be offered to local communities and other public institutions. One of them is dedicated to smart cities in the new UrbaNMakerspace incubator, while the other two focus on geospatial technologies and the digitisation of internal processes in the municipal administration.

Tomaž Kordiš, Director of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Dolenjska and Bela Krajina, said that the project aims to develop a regional and broader culture of innovation. Through the digital-innovation hub, they aim to foster the development of new high-tech knowledge among employees, which will enable the transition to a digital-low-carbon-circular economy.

Matej Makarovič, Dean of the Faculty of Information Studies in Novo mesto, emphasised the role of the faculty. The SRC-EDIH project focuses in particular on the circular economy, the introduction of new processes, understanding copyright and technology transfer.

In addition to the Novo mesto Development Centre, the SRC-EDIH consortium consists of partners Municipality of Novo mesto, the Faculty of Information Studies and Industrial Engineering in Novo mesto, the University of Primorska, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Dolenjska and Bela Krajina, the Faculty of Applied Social Studies in Nova Gorica, the University of Nova Gorica, the Municipality of Ajdovščina, the RIC Bela Krajina, and the companies CADCAM Lab, Koofr and Mikrografija.

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