We would like to invite you to the 15th Conference of IT professionals from Dolenjska and Bela krajina, titled “Opportunities and risks of using AI (Artificial Intelligence) tools in work and business”, which will take place on Tuesday, 23 April 2024, between 9:00 and 13:00, at the premises of our faculty.

Artificial intelligence brings us many innovations in business and life, but it also brings risks and challenges. With selected speakers, we will explore how we can take advantage of this innovative technology while avoiding the pitfalls of its use.

The expert contributions will be presented by:

  • Dr Sašo Dolenc, editor of Kvarkadabra,
  • Dr Jože Ramovš, anthropologist, researcher and lecturer, Head of the Anton Trstenjak Institute,
  • Dr Marko Grobelnik, Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, IJS,
  • Dr Slavko Žitnik, Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Informatics, UL and President of the Slovenian Informatics Society,
  • Matjaž Breznik, CREApro, d. o. o. (in cooperation with SRIP GoDigital and ZIT at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry),
  • Jurij Bajzelj, Era Novum, d. o. o. and
  • Dr Tamara Besednjak Valič, Vice-Dean for Scientific Research at FUDŠ.

Participation is free, but >>registration is required in advance. The conference is organised in cooperation with the Informatics Section of the Chamber of Commerce of Dolenjska and Bela krajina. The full programme of the event is available at the >>follow link.

The event is part of the SRC-EDIH project.

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