The 2nd national event of the SPOZNAJ project is approaching
- September 24, 2024
- Katja Peterlin
- 0

The consortium of the project “SPOZNAJ”, of which our faculty is also a part, is organising the 2nd national event. The focus of this event will be on research data and data custodianship.
The event will focus partly on topics such as the implementation and monitoring of open science in research organisations, but will also be interested in the potential impacts of opening up data in both the public sector and the economy. We will try to shed at least some light on some of the legal issues related to open content and open access to data. Guests from abroad and Slovenia will also present some successful practices and solutions.
The event will take place on Thursday, 10 October 2024, from 10.00 to 16.00 at the Centru humanističnih znanosti ZRS Koper (Kreljeva ulica 6, Koper). A live online broadcast with simultaneous translation from Slovenian into English will also be organised.
As the number of seats for the live stream is limited, please register as soon as possible via TicketTailor, the ticket booking system, or for the remote viewing via Zoom. There is no limit to the number of seats for the remote participation.