We would like to inform you that asist. ddr. Lorena Mihelač, in the process of election to the title of assistant professor in the field of Computer Science and Informatics, will give a public trial lecture entitled Statistical Modelling of Irregularities in Music with the IDyOM Computer Model.


The lecture will present statistical modelling of irregularity in music and how to simulate human perception of musical irregularity using the IDyOM computational model. The importance of (i)regularity in music selection, how (i)regularity manifests itself in musical structure, and how (i)regular structure influences the (general) acceptability of music will be shown.

Using data from 736 children’s folk songs from 22 European countries, it will be shown how to approach statistical analysis in the field of music, how to statistically model (i)regularity in musical structure and how to understand the simulation of this (i)regularity in the individual using the IDyOM computer model.

The lecture will take place on Friday, 15 March 2023, at 14.30 via Zoom.

Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4711208485

You are cordially invited.

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