Autumn Student Blood Donation Campaign
- November 13, 2024
- Tanja Bančič
- 0

The Regional Association of the Red Cross Novo mesto (Območno združenje Rdečega križa Novo mesto) and the Student Association of Novo mesto (Društvo novomeških študentov) invite you to the autumn student blood donation campaign, “Častim pol litra” (“I Honour Half a Litre”), which will take place on Monday, 18 November, and Tuesday, 19 November 2024, from 7:00 to 11:00 at the General Hospital Novo mesto, Department of Transfusion Medicine.
The organisers request that you call the Centre for Transfusion Medicine Novo mesto at 070 538 227 to schedule your donation appointment.
A photo ID and health insurance card are required for admission.
Before donating blood, you will have a medical check-up. Please do not arrive on an empty stomach; however, avoid fatty foods, including milk or milky coffee. Suitable breakfast items include tea, black coffee, bread, jam, fruit, and similar items. A snack will be provided after the blood draw.
You are welcome if you can donate blood, feel healthy, are 18 or older, and have not donated blood recently (4 months for women, 3 months for men).
You can follow news related to blood donation at,, and on the Facebook page Mladi Krvodajalci Ozrk NM.