On Thursday, 20 June 2024, we held the 14th ceremony of degrees, recognitions and promotion of new PhDs of the Faculty of Information Studies in Novo mesto (FIŠ) at the Janez Trdina Cultural Centre in Novo mesto.

Diplomas were awarded to 58 graduates of the undergraduate and postgraduate study programmes Informatics in Contemporary Society, Computer Science and Web Technologies and Master’s degree programme in Data Sciences.

The dean, prof. dr. Matej Makarovič, first addressed the gathering and stressed that he believes in the potential of our graduates in the digital society, as they are “perfectly qualified for creative and responsible use of digital technologies, which will be perfectly served by artificial intelligence, but it will never replace their strengths and advantages”.

This was followed by an address by the keynote speaker Dr Srečko Zupančič, from Krka, d.d., Novo mesto, who encouraged the graduates to pursue their own goals with courage, and to rejoice in successes as well as failures. He stressed that “success is a reward, failure is a lesson, an intermediate step to success. With perseverance, it always comes, it’s just a little longer. But it makes the victory sweeter and the knowledge richer”.

The scientific and research activities of our faculty were also highlighted at the ceremony and were presented by the Vice-Dean for this area, assoc. prof. dr. Nuša Erman. During this part of the event, four new FIŠ PhDs were presented – Matej Barbo, Zdravko Kunić, Jelena Joksimović and Ilija Subotić.

The gala event, under the auspices of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Blaž Rodič, was concluded with the awarding of FIŠ prizes. Among the students, prizes were awarded to Andrej Franko in the category of the best graduation thesis in the undergraduate study programme, Rene Verbanc and Matej Vovko for the best graduation thesis in the Master’s study programme, Luka Bezamovski for the most successful student in the undergraduate study programme, Katja Kunej for the most successful student in the postgraduate study programme and Romana Kamenik for active participation in extracurricular activities.

Prizes were also awarded to our employees, namely to assoc. prof. dr. Urška Fric in the category for Recognition of FIŠ employees – higher education teachers or tutoring associates, assoc. prof. dr. Boštjan Delak in the category for Recognition of external collaborators – for his contribution to the improvement of quality in the field of education, Nina Malovrh in the category for Recognition of FIŠ employees – professional associate for her contributions to the improvement of quality in the field of faculty organisation, and assoc. prof. dr. Kenny Štorgl, who was awarded in the category for Recognition of FIŠ employees – researchers for his achievements in the field of research. The event was enlivened by the music of singer Anja Pevec and the band Jaja Bojz.

Congratulations once again to all the graduates and award recipients!

Photo: Luka Rifelj

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