Duration: 01. 09. 2022 – 31. 08. 2025

Name of the project:  Smart, Resilient, and Sustainable Communities – European Digital Innovation Hub (DIGITAL-2021-EDIH-01)

Akronim of the project: SRC-EDIH

Project coordinator: Razvojni Center Novo Mesto, mag. Tatjana Koleša

Project manager at FIŠ: doc. dr. Alenka Pandiloska Jurak

Partners: Development Center Novo mesto, Faculty of Information Studies in Novo mesto, Municipality of Novo mesto, Faculty of Industrial Engineering Novo mesto, University of Primorska, Chamber of Commerce of Dolenjska and Bela Krajina, Faculty of Applied Social Studies in Nova Gorica, University of Nova Gorici, Municipality of Ajdovščina, RIC Bela krajina, CADCAM Lab d.o.o., Koofr d.o.o., Mikrografija d.o.o. and associated partners: Association of Employers of Slovenia, RRA GIZ and Regional Development Agency ROD Ajdovščina.

Type of project: Development project

Brief description of the project:

Namen projekta je spodbujanje globalne konkurenčnosti Evrope, zagotavljanje tehnološke suverenosti Evrope in široke uporabe digitalnih tehnologij v vseh državah članicah, boljše obravnavanje gospodarskih in družbenih izzivov Evrope ter podpora mikro, malim in srednje velikim podjetjem pri pridobivanju in dostopu najnovejših tehnologij, spretnosti in znanja.

EDIH-i bodo imeli osrednjo vlogo pri spodbujanju širše uporabe umetne inteligence in super-računalnikov (HPC), kibernetske varnosti ter drugih digitalnih tehnologij, ki jih uporabljamo v gospodarstvu in javnem sektorju.

Namen EDIH-ov je zagotavljanje mednarodne konkurenčnosti evropskega prostora pri uvajanju digitalne preobrazbe. EDIH-i zagotavljajo podporo številnim podjetjem, majhnim samostojnim podjetnikom, javni upravi in drugim, ki postopoma uvajajo nove procese in postopke z uporabo naprednih tehnologij. Sočasno nudi EDIH podporo vsem uporabnikom, ki želijo testirati svoje napredne rešitve, nadgraditi obstoječe znanje in pridobiti kompetence s sodelovanjem pri razvijanju naprednih rešitev, povezovati v partnerstva in spoznati dobre prakse iz evropskega prostora. EDIH nudi tudi svetovanja  in usmerjanja akterjem glede digitalne preobrazbe.

The purpose of the project is to promote Europe’s global competitiveness, ensure Europe’s technological sovereignty and the wide use of digital technologies in all member states, better address Europe’s economic and social challenges, and support micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in acquiring and accessing the latest technologies, skills and knowledge.

EDIHs will play a central role in promoting the wider use of artificial intelligence and super-computing (HPC), cyber security and other digital technologies used in the economy and public sector.

The purpose of EDIHs is to ensure the international competitiveness of the European area in the introduction of digital transformation. EDIHs provide support to many companies, small independent entrepreneurs, public administration and others who gradually introduce new processes and procedures using advanced technologies. At the same time, EDIH offers support to all users who want to test their advanced solutions, upgrade existing knowledge and acquire competences by participating in the development of advanced solutions, connect to partnerships and learn about good practices from the European area. EDIH also offers advice and guidance to actors regarding digital transformation.

The project is co-financed by: The European Commission and the Digital Europe DIGITAL Program

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