On Wednesday, 31 January 2024, our Faculty hosted the 7th Programming and Web Technologies Competition for students from regional secondary schools.

24 students from secondary schools in the southeastern region participated in the computer science and web technologies competition and had the opportunity to test their knowledge in two categories. The first category tested their knowledge of web technologies, while the second category included programming tasks in the chosen programming language. After the competition, the students were given the opportunity to listen to a presentation of the ERASMUS+ project and the GREEN&STEM mobile app.

In the web technology category, Vid Kovačič won first place, Domen Lindič second place and Blaž Plevnik third place. In the programming category, the first place went to Maj Drmaž, the second place to Anže Lavrih and the third place to Izak Fabjan.

The 7th competition in programming and web technologies was kindly supported, with prizes for the participants, by KRKA, d.d., Revoz d.d. Novo mesto, Javni raziskovalni zavod Rudolfovo, Mikrografija d.o.o., Razvojni center Novo mesto d.o.o., Palsit d.o.o., Študentski servis Mjob, Adria Mobil d.o.o. and Akrobat d.o.o.. DON DON d.o.o provided the sweet refreshments, and Radio Krka Novo mesto and Računalniške novice provided the media support. We want to thank all of these sponsors!

All those interested in studying in the fields of computer science and web technologies, informatics, data science, cyber security and information society are invited to the upcoming information days on Friday 16 February 2024 and Saturday 17 February 2024, which will take place online, using the Zoom platform.

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