Today, Thursday 17 October and tomorrow, Friday 18 October 2024, the Faculty of Applied Social Studies in Nova Gorica (FUDŠ) is at our faculty hosting the 17th Slovenian Social Science Conference entitled “Is digital transformation a social transformation? Coping with re-emerging social challenges for humanity”,

The event, which also includes the 3rd Jean Monnet Day, takes place in a hybrid format, i.e. live, at the faculty and online, using the Zoom app. Participants will discuss the impact of digital transformation on society, education and human well-being. The conference brings together a wide range of experts from different countries to present their research and solutions to the challenges of the digital age.

The conference opened today with an address by the Mayor of the Municipality of Novo mesto, MSc. Gregor Macedoni, Prof. Ph.D. Borut Rončević, Dean of FUDŠ and Prof. Ph.D. Matej Makarovič, Dean of our Faculty.

Mayor of the Municipality of Novo mesto, MSc. Gregor Macedoni
Mayor of the Municipality of Novo mesto, MSc. Gregor Macedoni
Dean FIŠ, Prof. Ph.D. Matej Makarovič
Dean FUDŠ, Prof. Ph.D. Borut Rončević
dr. Jo Ann R. Regan, Keynote speaker
dr. Jo Ann R. Regan, Keynote speaker
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