Duration: 1. 1. 2023 – 31. 12. 2024

Project title: Contemporary topics on the Wiener index

Participates in: Laboratory for Complex Systems and Data Sciences

Project manager: Prof. Riste Škrekovski, Ph.D.

Type of project: Bilateral project

Brief description of the project:

The Wiener index is one of the most recognized and well-studied topological indices. It is defined as the sum of distances between all unordered pairs of vertices in a graph. Due to its basic character and applicability, it has arisen in diverse contexts, including the efficiency of information, sociometry, mass transport, cryptography, theory of communication, molecular structure, complex network topology, and many more. 

In the frame of the collaboration will be considered various topics of this measure such as Šoltes problem, Wiener index of signed and directed graphs, determining the extremal graphs of this index for various graph classes. A similar approach can be reflected  to the other indices and contemporary measures of irregularity.

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