Duration: 1. 1. 2023 – 31. 12. 2024

Project title: Optimization of coupled oscillator networks and application in machine learning

Participates in: Laboratory for Complex Systems and Data Sciences

Project manager: Assoc. Prof. Zoran Levnajić, Ph. D.

Type of project: Bilateral project

Ensembles of coupled oscillators provide a paradigmatic framework for investigating phenomena of self-organization and pattern formation in physics of complex systems. In these ensembles oscillators are coupled through a certain network of interactions. One challenging problem in the study of coupled oscillators is reconstruction of the interaction network based on measurements of positions and motions of oscillators. This problem is closely related to design and optimization of networks with the goal to obtain some targeted patterns. Recent advances in reconstruction, design and optimization of oscillator networks provide a basis for potential applications in the field of machine learning. In particular, we will examine the idea of solving some problems of machine learning by training networks of coupled oscillators.

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