Obdobje poteka: 01. 11. 2017—30. 10. 2020
Sofinancer: EU (Erasmus +)
Sodeluje: Jean Monnet center odličnosti ”Inovacije in tehnologije v regionalnem razvoju”
Enabling SMEs to gain competitive advantage from the use of HPC (SME/HPC)
Obdobje poteka: 01. 11. 2017—30. 10. 2020
Sofinancer: EU (Erasmus +)
Sodeluje: Jean Monnet center odličnosti ”Inovacije in tehnologije v regionalnem razvoju”
Naziv projekta: Enabling SMEs to gain competitive advantage from the use of HPC
Vrsta projekta: Razvojno-raziskovalni projekt
Vloga FIŠ: Partner
Partnerji: Vodilni partner je Waterford Institute of Technology, ostali partnerji so University of Northumbria at Newcastle, Faculty of Information studies in Novo mesto, Ambrosys GmbH Gesellschaft für Management komplexer Systeme, ARCTUR Računalniški inženiring d.o.o., VEGA PRESS LTD, Agenţia pentru Inovare şi Transfer Tehnologic, Unitatea Executiva pentru Finantarea Invatamantului Superior.
SME/HPC is a tailor-made high-performance computing (HPC) education programme for SMEs. HPC allows for big data to be processed with unprecedented efficiency. This emerging technology is a game-changer for both academia and businesses. While most advanced HPC infrastructures and knowledge are located at HEIs and research institutions, enterprises, especially SMEs, have little or no access or competences to use it, in spite of remote access. In fact few SMEs are aware of the potential of how HPC can drive enterprises’ competitive advantage and enhance the levels of innovation capacities, capabilities and practices of SMEs. This leads to both the under-utilisation of existing expensive infrastructure and the less-than-optimal solving of real-life socio-economic issues. Furthermore, in less developed regions the lack of competences to embrace new technologies, like HPC, leads to a range of adverse conditions such as lower levels of innovation, few patents, low value-add and major brain-drain, which further increases the economic gap and digital divide between European regions.
SME/HPC takes a pioneering step towards improving the awareness about the innovative potential of HPC by SMEs by co-designing tailor-made courses delivering a coherent set of competences required for the application of HPC in SME and micro-enterprise contexts. SME/HPC begins with a strategic dialogue yielding an assessment of the required HPC competences, continues with the development of innovative strategies for raising HPC awareness and building HPC skills, and finishes with testing the new educational material with HEIs and enterprises. Three semi-peripheral regions will pilot the SME/HPC methodologies of HEI-Business engagement and the HPC education material.
The key beneficiaries of SME/HPC are enterprises, with a particular focus on SMEs, acquiring both HPC competences and access to hard infrastructure. Furthermore, the positive experience and increased collaborative and cooperative engagement between HEIs and businesses will inspire future co-designing and co-implementation of innovative socio-economic solutions.
Kick-off meeting of the project was held at FIŠ.
Vodja projekta na FIŠ: prof. dr. Borut Rončević