High-performance Computing for Effective Innovation in the Danube Region (InnoHPC)
- 30 junija, 2019
- Katja Peterlin
- 0

Obdobje poteka: 01.01.2017―30.06.2019
Financer: Interreg Danube Transnational Programme: ERDF sredstva; trg
Sodeluje: Inštitut za inovacije in tehnologije v regionalnem razvoju
High-performance Computing for Effective Innovation in the Danube Region (InnoHPC)
Obdobje poteka: 01.01.2017―30.06.2019
Financer: Interreg Danube Transnational Programme: ERDF sredstva; trg
Sodeluje: Inštitut za inovacije in tehnologije v regionalnem razvoju
High performance computing (HPC) is an emerging general-purpose technology. It can improve framework conditions for innovations by drastically increasing effectiveness of innovations and reducing product development time.
The main objective of InnoHPC is to create transnational HPC laboratory for co-designing knowledge-intensive innovative products with high value-added in transnational value-chains. Key outputs are transnational InnoHPC Lab pooling regional HPC infrastructure and competencies, web platform providing HPC access, integrated services and capacity building tools, and sustainability toolkit, to support durability of InnoHPC Lab beyond the project.
InnoHPC targets SMEs and clusters, providing the opportunity to increase efficiency of innovations and join transnational value-chains in the Danube region. Higher education and research institutionswith HPC will get access to exciting real-life cases and opportunities to exploit their entrepreneurial potential. Policy-makers and business support organizations will receive a valuable institutional support for their policies and initiatives.
Photo: InnoHPC project team at 1st Partner meeting in Novo mesto
InnoHPC project is a pioneering effort to improve framework conditions for innovation by providing unique institutional and technological infrastructure, designed specifically to pool and exploit HPC infrastructure on a transnational level. InnoHPC will join 18 partner from across the Danube in order to reach the widest audiences.