Priimek | Ime | Naslov | Datum zagovora |
Trpin | Alenka | Hyperbolic metric learning in machine learning algorithms for application in oncology | 9. 12. 2024 |
Drev | Matjaž | Vpliv konceptualnega modela vgrajene zasebnosti na varstvo osebnih podatkov | 18. 7. 2024 |
Subotić | Ilija | Nov pristop k letalskim podatkovnim povezavam in izmenjavi podatkov med moduli zrakoplovov | 20. 12. 2023 |
Joksimović | Jelena | Patterns discovery in slovenian public spending: a data-driven approach to corruption | 14. 11. 2023 |
Kunić | Zdravko | Algorithm for short-time correction of wind speed forecasting models
| 26. 9. 2023 |
Barbo | Matej | Vpliv opozorilnega sistema za zaviranje v sili za motoriste na prometno varnost – hibridni pristop z uporabo sistemske dinamike in agentnega modeliranja
| 19. 9. 2023 |
Labus | Pero | The Impact of ICT technology on the development of the wine offer in the HoReCa Channel | 24. 4. 2023 |
Talajić | Mirko | The Dynamic of employee population of different characteristics in principal – agent model based relationship with employer | 15. 12. 2022 |
Gangaliuc | Cristian | The Role of Transnational Value Chains In Regional Innovation. Analysis of Central and Eastern European Regions Engaged in Automotive and Electronics Production Networks | 23. 9. 2022 |
Hajnić | Miljenko | A decision support system for identity and access management | 21. 2. 2022 |
Grašič | Valerij | Napovedovanje števila dohodnih klicev sistema javne varnosti za klic v sili 112 ob uporabi odprtih podatkov interneta stvari | 18. 6. 2021 |
Zorko | Albert | Modelling human cardiorespiratory system through heart-rate variability | 17. 9. 2020 |
Faggian | Marco | Outstanding problems in nonequilibrium statistical physics : doctoral dissertation | 29. 3. 2019 |
Leguia | Marc Grau | Automatic reconstruction of complex dynamical networks : doctoral dissertation | 15. 3. 2019 |
Ban | Kristina | Multilevel complex systems approaches to computational linguistics | 7. 12. 2018 |
Bučar | Jože | Sentiment based classification of the web texts | 29. 9. 2017 |
Agrež | Jernej | Future knowledge and process pattern recognition in weakly defined organizational formations | 25. 5. 2016 |
Kastrin | Andrej | Uvrščanje in diskretizacija mnogorazsežnih mikromrežnih DNA podatkovij | 2. 6. 2015 |