Doktorske disertacije

PriimekImeNaslovDatum zagovora
TrpinAlenkaHyperbolic metric learning in machine learning algorithms for application in oncology 9. 12. 2024
DrevMatjaž Vpliv konceptualnega modela vgrajene zasebnosti na varstvo osebnih podatkov  18. 7. 2024
SubotićIlija Nov pristop k letalskim podatkovnim povezavam in izmenjavi podatkov med moduli zrakoplovov20. 12. 2023
JoksimovićJelena Patterns discovery in slovenian public spending: a data-driven approach to corruption14. 11. 2023
KunićZdravko Algorithm for short-time correction of wind speed forecasting models
26. 9. 2023
BarboMatej Vpliv opozorilnega sistema za zaviranje v sili za motoriste na prometno varnost – hibridni pristop z uporabo sistemske dinamike in agentnega modeliranja
19. 9. 2023
LabusPero The Impact of ICT technology on the development of the wine offer in the HoReCa Channel24. 4. 2023
TalajićMirko The Dynamic of employee population of different characteristics in principal – agent model based relationship with employer15. 12. 2022
GangaliucCristian The Role of Transnational Value Chains In Regional Innovation.
Analysis of Central and Eastern European Regions Engaged in Automotive and Electronics Production Networks
23. 9. 2022
HajnićMiljenko A decision support system for identity and access management 21. 2. 2022
GrašičValerijNapovedovanje števila dohodnih klicev sistema javne varnosti za klic v sili 112 ob uporabi odprtih podatkov interneta stvari18. 6. 2021
ZorkoAlbertModelling human cardiorespiratory system through heart-rate variability17. 9. 2020
FaggianMarcoOutstanding problems in nonequilibrium statistical physics : doctoral dissertation29. 3. 2019
LeguiaMarc GrauAutomatic reconstruction of complex dynamical networks : doctoral dissertation15. 3. 2019
BanKristinaMultilevel complex systems approaches to computational linguistics 7. 12. 2018
BučarJožeSentiment based classification of the web texts29. 9. 2017
AgrežJernejFuture knowledge and process pattern recognition in weakly defined organizational formations25. 5. 2016
KastrinAndrejUvrščanje in diskretizacija mnogorazsežnih mikromrežnih DNA podatkovij2. 6. 2015


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