doc. dr. Boštjan Delak / Asst. Prof. Dr. Boštjan Delak
Govorilne ure: po dogovoru
Bibliografija: COBISS šifra 07830
Dr. Boštjan Delak je od maja 2022 upokojen. Zadnjih pet let je bil zaposlen kot revizor informacijskih sistemov na Računskem sodišču Republike Slovenije, kjer je bil tudi vodja informacijske varnosti. Ima več kot 40 let delovnih izkušen od tega več kot 22 let z analizami informacijskih sistemov in več kot 17 let z revizijami informacijskih sistemov. Od leta 2004 je član ISACA, od 2008 član Slovenskega društva informatika, je aktiven v okviru odbora preizkušenih revizorjev na Slovenskem inštitutu za revizijo ter član vodstvene ekipe pri Mednarodnem inštitutu za upravljanje uporabljenega znanja. Njegovi raziskovalni interesi so: analize informacijskih sistemov, skrbni pregledi informacijskih sistemov in upravljanje znanja.

Dr. Boštjan Delak is from May 2022 retired. Last five years he was employed as an auditor of information systems at the Court of Audit of the Republic of Slovenia, where he was also the head of information security. He has more than 40 years of work experience, of which more than 22 years with information systems analysis and more than 17 years with information systems audits. He has been a member of ISACA since 2004, a member of the Slovenian Informatics Association since 2008, an active member of the Board of Certified Auditors at the Slovenian Institute of Auditors and a member of the management team at the International Institute for Applied Knowledge Management. His research interests are: information systems analysis, due diligence of information systems and knowledge management.