Obveščamo vas, da bo imel asist. dr. Cristian Gangaliuc v postopku izvolitve v naziv docenta za področje Sociologije, javno preizkusno predavanje z naslovom Introduction to Open Innovation. Predavanje bo potekalo v angleščini.

The title: Introduction to Open Innovation

Abstract: The lecture is about the Open Innovation (OI) theory, developed by Chesbrough in 2003. It touches on the concept’s historical evolution to highlight its relevance and dynamics in the field. It also introduces the mechanisms of OI, which are available to organisations and presented as theoretical principles in the field of Innovation Studies.

Predavanje bo v ponedeljek, 16. 10. 2023, ob 16. uri preko komunikacijskega orodja Zoom. Povezava: https://zoom.us/j/97206257800.

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