Preizkusno predavanje dr. Cormaca Callanana
- 26 septembra, 2023
- Katja Peterlin
- 0

Obveščamo vas, da bo imel dr. Cormac Callanan, v postopku izvolitve v naziv docent za področje Informatike, javno preizkusno predavanje z naslovom EU Cybersecurity Eco System.
The European Union has been at the forefront of efforts to strengthen cybersecurity by establishing a solid political and legal framework, raising awareness, and building technical capacity for enhancing cyber resilience of its institutions and Member States. The aim of this short webinar is to provide a better understanding of the EU cybersecurity ecosystem and outline its key policies, regulations and instruments. The webinar will also present the role of the EU cybersecurity ecosystem in strengthening global security, stability, building trust and facilitating cooperation between nations.
Predavanje bo v četrtek, 28. 9. 2023, ob 11. uri preko komunikacijskega orodja Zoom.Zoom:
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