doc. dr. Uroš Breskvar / Asst. Prof. Dr. Uroš Breskvar
Govorilne ure: po dogovoru
Bibliografija: Cobiss [20764]
Uroš Breskvar je diplomiral s področja organizacijskih ved smer informatika na Fakulteti za organizacijo dela, ki ima svoj sedež v Kranju. Na isti fakulteti se je zaposlil kot mladi raziskovalec in delal v raziskovalnem laboratoriju za kibernetiko in sisteme za podporo odločanju. Ukvarjal se je predvsem z optimizacijo proizvodnih procesov.
Na centru za poklicno izobraževanje sodeluje pri pripravi poklicnih standardov. Na visokošolskih zavodih, študentom podaja računalniška znanja s področja odločanja in simulacije. Od leta 2022 sodeluje tudi s Fakulteto za informacijske študije, kjer izvaja predmet Sistemi in metode za poslovno obveščanje in vaje za predmet Menedžerski informacijski sistemi.
Od leta 2006 se veliko ukvarja s področjem trajnostnega razvoja, kjer dela različne analize.

Uroš Breskvar graduated in the field of organizational sciences, specializing in informatics, at the Faculty of Organizational Sciences located in Kranj. He was employed as a young researcher at the same faculty and worked in the Research Laboratory for Cybernetics and Decision Support Systems. His main focus was on optimizing production processes. He is involved in the preparation of professional standards at the Centre for Vocational Education. At higher education institutions, he imparts computer science knowledge in the areas of decision-making and simulation to students. Since 2022, he has also been collaborating with the Faculty of Information Studies, where he teaches the course Systems and Methods for Business Intelligence and conducts exercises for the course Managerial Information Systems.
Since 2006, he has been heavily involved in the field of sustainable development, conducting various analyses.