izr. prof. dr. Sašo Murtič / Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sašo Murtič
E-mail: saso.murtic@fis.unm.si
Govorilne ure: po dogovoru
Izr. prof. dr. Sašo Murtič, rojen 1959, stanujoč Novo mesto, upokojenec Ministrstva za infrastrukturo, po osnovni izobrazbi pravnik, opravljal različna dela v okviru policije, Ministrstva za notranje zadeve, bil direktor občinske uprave mestne občine Novo mesto, bil Sekretar na Ministrstvu za infrastrukturo, za področje letalstva, izvoljen v naziv izrednega profesorja za področje »Pravo« in »Logistika«, v okviru pedagoškega dela sodeloval s Fakulteto za varnostne vede, Fakulteto za logistiko in Fakulteto za turizem Univerze v Mariboru, trenutno poučuje na dveh fakultetah, treh visokih šolah v Sloveniji in na Veleučilištu v Zaprešiču, na Hrvaškem. Vpisan v razvid raziskovalcev Slovenije pri Fakulteti za industrijski inženiring Novo mesto, raziskovalne aktivnosti so razvidne v evidencah COBISS in Sicris.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sašo Murtič, born 1959, resident Novo mesto, retired from the Ministry of Infrastructure, lawyer by basic education, held various positions in the Police, Ministry of the Interior, Director of the Municipal Administration of the Municipality of Novo mesto, Secretary at the Ministry of Infrastructure, for the field of aviation, He has been elected as an associate professor in the field of “Law” and “Logistics”, in the field of teaching he has cooperated with the Faculty of Security Sciences, the Faculty of Logistics and the Faculty of Tourism of the University of Maribor, currently he teaches at two faculties, three colleges in Slovenia and at Veleučiliště in Zaprešič, Croatia. He is registered as a researcher in Slovenia at the Faculty of Industrial Engineering Novo mesto, his research activities are recorded in COBISS and Sicris.