Informatics in Contemporary Society (professional)
Call for Enrolment in the academic year 2025/2026
Common introductory part (common provisions) of the Call for Enrolment for 2025/2026
In case of technical difficulties in filling out the application for enrolment, you can contact:
- EKC – Unified Contact Centre of the State Administration, e-mail:, phone: 080 2002 (from 8 am to 10 pm on weekdays), for calls from abroad 00386 1 478 85 90
More information about the study programme.
Candidates for enrolment in the first year of the bachelor’s degree programmes can apply within two application periods and within the period for still available enrolment slots, which apply to the enrolment of citizens of the Republic of Slovenia and citizens of EU Member States:
The application for enrolment is submitted via the eVŠ web portal with a qualified digital certificate, smsPASS, e-identity card, with an AAI account or with a username and password via the SI-PASS system, which operates within the framework of the Trust Service Authority of Slovenia.
After successfully submitting the application, a confirmation of the successfully submitted application will be sent to the e-mail address, specified in the application. If the confirmation is not sent to the specified e-mail address, it means that the application was not submitted successfully.
All supplemental documents for the application are also submitted electronically via eVŠ within the application deadline.
Candidates are required to monitor the e-mail address they provided in the application for enrolment and the eVŠ web portal, as communication and any invitations to supplement the application for enrolment takes place in this way. Candidates must ensure the validity of the e-mail address provided in the application.
Documents and notifications are served or made available to candidates for review by placing the document or notification on the eVŠ web portal, in accordance with Article 40 of the Higher Education Act. The candidate is informed of the submission of the document or notification via the eVŠ portal through an informational message sent to the email address provided at the time of application for enrolment and via a message to the mobile phone number, if provided at the time of application. The candidate retrieves the document or notification from the eVŠ web portal in electronic form following prior authentication. Upon personal service of the document via the eVŠ portal, the candidate electronically confirms the electronic delivery receipt. The date of electronic confirmation of the electronic delivery receipt is considered the date of service of the document. If the candidate does not retrieve the document within five days of receiving the informational message about the electronically deposited document on the eVŠ portal, the service is deemed to have been completed on the day this period expires.
First application period: from 18 February 2025 to 18 March 2025
An application is considered to be submitted in time if it has been completed and submitted through eVŠ with an electronic signature (qualified digital certificate, smsPASS, e-identity card, or an AAI account) or without a secure electronic signature (username and password) until 18 March 2025 (including supplemental documents).
Each candidate may submit only one application, in which they can list three study programmes and prioritize them in the order in which they want to enroll and for which they meet or will meet the enrolment conditions by the set deadlines.
Accepted candidates will be invited to enroll via e-mail. The invitation will be sent to the e-mail address provided in the application form. Enrolment will take place from 25 July to 14 August 2025 at the latest.
Second application period: from 20 August 2025 to 27 August 2025
The second application period is for candidates who:
- did not apply within the first application period,
- were not accepted into any of the study programs listed on the first application,
- did not enroll in the study program into which they were accepted, and
- dropped out of their study program by 14 August 2025 inclusive into which they were accepted in the first application period.
An application is considered to be submitted in time if it has been completed and submitted through eVŠ with an electronic signature (qualified digital certificate, smsPASS, e-identity card, or an AAI account) or without a secure electronic signature (username and password) to eVŠ until 27 August 2025 (including supplemental documents).
Each candidate may submit only one application, in which they can list three study programmes and prioritize them in the order in which they want to enroll and for which they meet or will meet the enrolment conditions by the set deadlines.
Accepted candidates will be invited to enrol via e-mail. The invitation will be sent to the e-mail address provided in the application form. Enrolment will take place from 24 September to 30 September 2025.
Period for still available enrolment slots: from 24 September to 25 September 2025 until 10 a.m.
This application period is for candidates who:
- did not apply in the first or second application period,
- submitted their first or second application and did not qualify for any of the study programs listed in the application during the current year’s selection process,
- did not enroll in the study program into which they were accepted in the first or second application period,
- were accepted in the first or second application period to a study program that will not be implemented.
An application that was completed and submitted with an electronic signature (qualified digital certificate, smsPASS, e-identity card, or an AAI account) is considered timely, or without a secure electronic signature (username and password) to eVŠ until 25 September 2025 at 10.00 a.m. (including supplemental documents).
Each candidate may submit only one application, in which they list one study programme.
Accepted candidates will be invited to enroll via e-mail. The invitation will be sent to the e-mail address provided in the application form. Enrolment will take place until 30 September 2025.
Enrolment in accordance with the criteria for transfer (enrolment into a higher year of study, parallel studies and places for graduates)
Application period: from 1 to 15 September 2025
The candidate may submit several applications. In the application, they select one study program for which they meet the enrolment conditions and transition criteria.
An application is considered to be submitted in time if it has been completed and submitted through eVŠ with an electronic signature (qualified digital certificate, smsPASS, e-identity card, or an AAI account) or without a secure electronic signature (username and password) to eVŠ until 15 September 2025 (including supplemental documents).
Accepted candidates will be invited to enroll via e-mail. The invitation will be sent to the e-mail address provided in the application form. Enrolment will take place from 24 September to 30 September 2025.
Enrolment for foreigners from non-EU countries and Slovenes without Slovenian citizenship
The application for enrolment is submitted via the eVŠ web portal with a qualified digital certificate, smsPASS, e-identity card, with an AAI account or with a username and password via the SI-PASS system, which operates within the framework of the Trust Service Authority of Slovenia.
After successfully submitting the application, a confirmation of the successfully submitted application will be sent to the e-mail address specified in the application. If the confirmation is not sent to the specified e-mail address, it means that the application was not submitted successfully.
All supplemental documents for the application are also submitted electronically via eVŠ within the application deadline.
Candidates are required to monitor the e-mail address they provided in the application for enrolment and the eVŠ web portal, as communication and any invitations to supplement the application for enrolment takes place in this way. Candidates must ensure the validity of the e-mail address provided in the application.
The application also serves as a recognition of education for the purpose of continuing education.
First application period: from 18 February to 30 April 2025
Deadline for submission of supplemental documents: 1 August 2025 (electronically via eVŠ)
Each candidate can submit only one application, in which they can list three study programs.
An application is considered to be submitted in time if it has been completed and submitted through eVŠ with an electronic signature (qualified digital certificate, smsPASS, e-identity card, or an AAI account) or without a secure electronic signature (username and password) to eVŠ until 30 April 2025, while certificates must be submitted to eVŠ until 1 August 2025 at the latest.
Accepted candidates will be invited to enroll via e-mail. The invitation will be sent to the e-mail address provided in the application form. Enrolment will take place in September 2025, until 30 September 2025 at the latest.
Second application period: from 20 August to 27 August 2025
Deadline for submission of supplemental documents: 27 August 2025 (electronically via eVŠ)
Each candidate can submit only one application, in which they can list three study programs.
An application is considered to be submitted in time if it has been completed and submitted through eVŠ with an electronic signature (qualified digital certificate, smsPASS, e-identity card, or an AAI account) or without a secure electronic signature (username and password) to eVŠ until 27 August 2025, including supplemental documents.
Accepted candidates will be invited to enrol via e-mail. The invitation will be sent to the e-mail address provided in the application form. Enrolment will take place in September 2025, until 30 September 2025 at the latest.
Period for still available enrolment slots: from 24 September to 25 September 2025 until 10 a.m.
Within this period, candidates from non-EU countries may apply for any remaining enrolment places.
Each candidate can submit only one application, in which they can list one study program.
An application is considered to be submitted in time if it has been completed and submitted through eVŠ with an electronic signature (qualified digital certificate, smsPASS, e-identity card, or an AAI account) or without a secure electronic signature (username and password) to eVŠ until 25 September 2025 until 10 a.m., including supplemental documents.
Accepted candidates will be invited to enroll via e-mail. The invitation will be sent to the e-mail address provided in the application form. Enrolment will take place until 30 September 2025.
For individual counselling and information about study programmes, you can contact us on the telephone number +386 7 37 37 884, via the e-mail address or visit us in the Student Affair Office.